Crazy Cat Lady: Visiting a Cat Cafe in the Neighbourhood of Hongdae, Seoul, Korea

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If there’s one thing that South Korea isn’t lacking in it’s themed cafes. Cat cafes, dog cafes, sheep cafes, doll house cafes, and even wedding dress cafes – yes, they have them all! During my year living there I decided I would try to visit as many of them as possible, and on this particular weekend Sam and I went to Godabang Cat Cafe in Hongdae.

Here are a few photos from the outing:

Crazy Cat Lady: Visiting a Cat Cafe in the Neighbourhood of Hongdae, Seoul, Korea: Audrey at the cat cafe in Hongdae
Crazy Cat Lady: Visiting a Cat Cafe in the Neighbourhood of Hongdae, Seoul, Korea: Audrey at the cat cafe in Hongdae

This little golden fella sitting right in front of me with its bottom on the table (very hygienic) was a darling. Did you notice him in the video? He’s the one with the honey coloured eyes and the little ears pointed downwards. Those ears! They certainly add a touch of innocence.

Hot drink at the cat cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
Hot drink at the cat cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea

I’m a particular fan of this cat cafe because they have the best hot chocolate I’ve had in Korea. Chocolate milkshakes are pretty good, right? Well this hot chocolate was frothy and thick just like a milkshake, except hot. Sounds gross but tastes great. Plus they draw cute cat pictures on my lid.

Books about cats in Seoul, South Korea
Books about cats in Seoul, South Korea

My vast Korean language skills tell me that this is a book about…cats! It’s incredible how I’ve been able to expand my vocabulary this year, guys.

White long haired cat with green and blue eyes in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
White long haired cat with green and blue eyes in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea

This cat was working it with the natural light. She gave me several different poses, never looking directly at the camera. Your white fur is so fiiine! Just hold it there. Now ‘smize’ like Tyra Banks taught you! Perfect.

Sam at the cat cafe in Hongdae neighbourhood in Seoul, South Korea
Sam at the cat cafe in Hongdae neighbourhood in Seoul, South Korea

Oh, and here is the boy drinking his latte. Hi Sam! He is the cat lover in the relationship.

Cat waking up from nap in Seoul, South Korea
Cat waking up from nap in Seoul, South Korea

This one was just waking up from its nap. He didn’t feel like posing so early in the afternoon.

Sam feeding cats at the cat cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea
Sam feeding cats at the cat cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea

And here is Sam in his element. The cats gathered around him in a semi circle formation waiting to be fed. I think he may be some kind of cat whisperer…

Siamese cat sleeping in the Korean cat cafe in Seoul, Korea
Siamese cat sleeping in the Korean cat cafe in Seoul, Korea

There was also a cute Siamese cat sleeping next to the heater. This one reminded me of my cat Tommy who we brought to Canada all the way from Argentina. He’s a well travelled cat.

Audrey feeding cats at the cat cafe in Hongdae neighbourhood in Seoul, Korea
Audrey feeding cats at the cat cafe in Hongdae neighbourhood in Seoul, Korea

And imagine my surprise when an alien tried to claw at my leg! Bald cats are kind of scary, even when clothed.

Cats at the cat cafe waiting to be fed in Seoul, Korea
Cats at the cat cafe waiting to be fed in Seoul, Korea

I look like I’m loving the moment in this one. Maybe I am a cat person…

How to get there:

This particular cat cafe is located in Hongdae. Take the subway to Hongik University (홍대입구역) and walk out exit 9. Turn left as soon as you exit, and turn right at the first intersection. You will likely see a Garfield mascot hanging around nonchalantly browsing on its smart phone – you’re heading in the right direction. The “Godabang Cat Cafe” will be on your right hand side, and you’ll have to take the stairs up to the third floor.

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  1. I love that they decided to put that striped shirt on the Sphinx cat. People say they are very sweet. Did she feel like a hot water bottle to the touch?

    1. says: Audrey

      That’s the perfect way to describe the way its body felt! Haha, I honestly didn’t play with the hairless cat too much – it was too weird seeing it’s skin and veins!

  2. says: Melissa

    I’ve got to visit one of these cafes when I’m back in February! I had no luck convincing the boy to go to one with me in September. 🙁 I wonder if there are any in Gunsan?

    1. says: Audrey

      You should ask him to choose between the cat cafe or the dress-up cafe. He’ll be a shoe in for the cat one then for sure. 😉

  3. says: Alexa Hart

    So funny! I went to a dog cafe in Hongdae when I lived in Korea, and it was pretty similar. Never a cat cafe, though! I wonder if dog and cat cafes would ever be successful in Canada or the U.S.? Probably too many liability issues. That’s why living abroad is so great… You can go to places you might never go to back home!

    1. says: Audrey

      I went to the dog cafe too – Bau Haus. They were surprisingly really well behaved considering all the different sizes and breeds they had in there. Could be a money maker in North America; it has the novelty factor working in its favour. 😉

  4. says: Jace

    haha! I haven’t been there yet. Quite a variety of these furball friends. 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      I’d recommend it for sure! Hongdae is a great place to find one. It seems like there is a cat cafe on every street.

  5. says: Marco Fiori

    Hah, with my allergies to cats it’d probably be sneeze-tastic. I can imagine if you’re ever feeling upset, it’s the perfect place to go!

    1. says: Audrey

      It’s a nice place to visit when you’re missing your pets back at home. Maybe the dog cafe would be a better option. 🙂

  6. Ahhh! I love this place! (from your posts)
    How does it feel to have cute cat’s claws inserted into your knee? 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      Gotta tell you, kind of painful. But they were cute cats. 🙂

  7. says: Zhu

    The picture of Sam with all the cats is priceless! Looks like he is the teacher in a cat school! 😆

    1. says: Audrey

      Ha, he really does! There’s another idea for a career. 😉

  8. says: Colleen Brynn

    I need to go there. I’m toying with the idea of hitting Korea next year for a couple weeks… If I do go, I HAVE to get to these cafes… hahaha… I LOVE that alien! Your face… his face… his claws… his outfit!

    1. says: Audrey

      You’ll have no trouble finding one. The cat cafes are everywhere! And the cats in there are so cute! It’s kind of nice being able to pretend that I have a pet for the afternoon.

  9. says: Emily in Chile

    I’ll stick with the dog cafes…I’m not big on cats because they sneakily scratch you, so that picture of you surrounded with the hairless cat’s claws out makes me think this place would not be the one for me!

    1. says: Audrey

      They do have dog cafes for the dog lovers. 🙂 I must admit, being clawed by several hungry cats wasn’t very…comfortable. Haha

  10. says: Stephen S.

    Haha what a great place! This might need to be added to random section of my bucket list.

    1. says: Audrey

      Do it! They also have a dog cafe, and a sheep cafe in the same neighbourhood!

  11. says: Callie

    Wow, look at them all! So cute, especially that sleepy one. I want it. And Sam does look like he has some special cat-taming powers there, haha!

    1. says: Audrey

      He does! Those cats were hypnotized by him.

    1. says: Audrey

      Seoul would be the place for you then. There’s one of these around every corner!

  12. says: Agness

    That’s so crazy. These cats took over the place :):)! To be honest, I am not a cat person at all. I love dogs instead, so this place would not be a good place for me to stay in, but do they have any places where you can play with dogs or other animals? Looks like you and Sam had a lovely day :)!

    1. says: Audrey

      I’m more of a dog person as well, but this place has kind of won me over. And YES! they do have other animal cafes including dog and sheep! Crazy, right?

  13. says: Maria

    Holy kitty litter! You nearly got mauled by a few of them.
    Great idea for those living in a no kitty zone – all the perks but no responsibility.

    1. says: Audrey

      It is a great perk if you can’t own a pet. Whenever I miss mine, I know I can hit up one of the many pet cafes around the city. 🙂

  14. says: Amanda

    I am most definitely a cat person… and so would probably LOVE this place! Love the pics.

    1. says: Audrey

      Then this place would be your cat heaven. 🙂

  15. says: Susan @ Caribbean Vacation

    Seriously I haven’t been there. but love to visit it soon and enjoy with their little cats. its’ really funny to watch your face in first picture and that cat face is superb which you draw on cup. Thanks for sharing.

    1. says: Audrey

      I’m sure you’d enjoy it. It’s a fun place to spend the afternoon. 🙂

  16. says: Anita Mac

    Very cool! I am always missing my cats when I travel…a little cat love on the road is nice! The hot chocolate sounds like a purrrfect bevie while playing with the cats.

    1. says: Audrey

      Oh, the hot chocolate was amazing! They have really nice drinks at this particular cafe.

  17. says: Lifecruiser Travel

    Such a wonderful place! A mekka for cat lovers, for sure. I find the cats interesting – they look very different all of them. Once we almost took a cat with us from a farm holiday, severely tempted, but we did consider the fact that the cat were a wild cat from the beginning that the farmer took care of and we’re living in a capital city – not so good to come from the freedom in the countryside to the busy city life like that. Besides the cat we almost came home with a vintage car and trailer too, ha ha… It’s hard to resist some things on the trips…

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, a vintage car and a trailer?! Those would have been quite the souvenirs. 😉 The cats there are cute, and they have so many different breeds! It’s easy to get attached to them if you visit a few times.

  18. says: Marina

    Aw, I’ve always wanted to go to a cat cafe! As a crazy cat lady, this would be absolute heaven for me. Although, with three cats at home it already is a bit of a cat cafe…

    1. says: Audrey

      Hehe, three sounds like a handful. I’d say your halfway to running a successful cat cafe. 😉

  19. says: Michelle

    What a cute idea!! I love cats! Hmm a quick google search tells me the closest cat cafe to me is in Austria! Haha

    1. says: Audrey

      Perhaps on overnight weekend trip to Austria is in order then! 😉

  20. says: Julika

    The rumors are true! The cat cafes really exist – insane! I’m not a cat person (they are so unpredictable… very scary), but this looks like a great umm… cultural experience! Hilarious pictures! 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      They are real, and there are so many of them over here! It sounds like they aren’t very popular in Germany…

  21. says: Jessica Wray

    I love the cat cafes! My allergies do not…but I continue to go. I must say, I sure have never been covered in cats like you were though! lol

    1. says: Audrey

      Chicken treats are the way to lure them over. I think that’s the only reason they were crawling all over me!

  22. says: Suzzane from Travel Universally

    Wow , This is so Cattish Post!!! Watching you and Samuel feeding and playing with cats makes me feel happy. Sometimes these adorable cats give us that joy which we can’t get anywhere around the world. Thanks

  23. says: Andrea

    I love this – looks like such a fun place! I was never a cat person until we lived in the house we do in Norway – the neighbour’s cat isn’t very well looked after by her own family and she is a DOLL…so we have kind of adopted her. No litterbox though, thank you – she’s housetrained…

  24. says: Sherry

    What an interesting concept. That cat with the sweater is so precious. I wouldn’t mind having some play time with my coco. I’d love to see if they have a dog cafe somewhere out there, too. But I imagine, Asians, are more cat lovers.

  25. says: The Time-Crunched Traveler (Ellen)

    Oh gosh. Just looking at these photos makes me sneeze! We heard about these while we were in Korea, but due to severe allergies, decided to pass.

  26. says: Stephanie - The Travel Chica

    Wow! Is it just me, or are those cats ginormous?

  27. says: Cam @ Traveling Canucks

    Yup, that’s kinda weird. I like cats, but I’m not sure I like them that much

    1. says: Audrey

      Not the sort of thing one would ever see back in Canada, but cat cafes are all the rage in Korea. 😉

  28. says: Deb

    Looks like my kind of place. But I have to admit, no you didn’t paint a good picture of yourself. Having cats is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Who’s taking care of your cats now? I hope they’re being fed and having their litter changed.

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, they are getting lots of love and affection from my parents and sisters. 😉

  29. says: Ceri

    I definitely need to visit a cat café in Korea. The idea of cats while you’re sitting in a café blows my mind. Hahaha.

  30. says: anita beir

    Wondering what it smelled like ?? Cat urine is THEE worst odor!

  31. says: ISabel

    As much as i love cats, I’m kinda stranged by the concept of this place… i mean… is it legal to have too many cats and use them in a business place for receiving money?? is it right to feed them all day long by the various customers ?? I’m not sure i love what they are doing here… maybe if someone could tell me about the concept of the place and the caring of this animals i wouldn´t disagree so baldy.

  32. says: Julie

    My sister have a big cat and they always gives her tuna for every meal. And now that my sister is getting married, they will have a prenuptial with their cat.

  33. says: Bijou Senn

    Been wanting to visit a Cat Cafe, so your vid was great to watch thanks.

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