
If you found your way over here, it would appear you like to travel. You and me both, so welcome!

I supposed I should tell you a bit about myself since you’ve clicked on my ‘About’ page and all. My name is Audrey and That Backpacker is the place where I share my love for travel and where I try to help you travel in a way that suits your budget and your lifestyle. Travel can be done so many different ways! For some, that might mean a one week stay at an all inclusive resort, a two week whirlwind tour of Europe, a month long language course abroad, a six month internship in a developing community, or a year long RTW backpacking adventure.

I started this blog while I was still in university daydreaming in class and travelling during every Christmas Break, Reading Week, and Summer Holiday I could manage. This blog followed me through my post-university years while I tried to figure out my next step, through my one year teaching English in South Korea, and then as I transitioned into a professional travel blogger.

I hope this blog will inspire you and help you plan some adventures of your own. This community is a friendly bunch, so feel free to chime in, ask questions, and share your own insights and travel tips.

Thanks for reading along!
