I Took a Pierogi Cooking Class in Warsaw, Poland!

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I took a pierogi cooking class in Warsaw. This is how it went!

The first thing that Sam and I did when we arrived in Warsaw was eat a plate full of pierogi at a local pub. This is the one Polish dish we had been fantasizing about ever since we decided to travel to Poland, and it was a nice little introduction to Polish cuisine.

Coming from Canada, we’re used to buying pierogi at the supermarket (that was my go-to dish during the winter months when I was back in university!), however, I have to say they pale in comparison to what you’ll find here in Poland.

For starters, there is so much variety! I’m used to the cheese-filled pierogi, but the menus in Warsaw offered a myriad of possibilities including beef and onions, potato and cheese, mushrooms, sauerkraut, and even sweet pierogi stuffed with blueberries and strawberries for dessert.

The savoury ones were served with chunks of fried bacon and sour cream, and the sweet ones, well, they too were served with sour cream. Some were boiled, while others were boiled and then pan-fried.

And now let me tell you about the sizes; the first time that I sat down at a restaurant and only received 5 pierogi on my plate I thought, “Hmm, well this isn’t going to be enough food,” but I honestly struggled to finish everything on my plate. That’s how plump and filling they are!

Learning to make Pierogi with Polish Your Cooking in Warsaw, Poland! Polish pierogi stuffed with meat

🥟 Want to learn to make pierogi? This pierogi cooking class is the best-rated in Warsaw!

Taking a Pierogi Cooking Class in Warsaw

With such a big love for pierogi, you can imagine how excited I was to take a cooking class where I would learn the art of making these tasty dumplings.

On the morning of our class, we met Michal, a young chef who has studied the culinary arts around the world and who also is an avid traveller!

Not only was he a great teacher while Sam and I clumsily maneuvered our way around the kitchen, but it was also really fun being able to swap travel stories and compare our travel experiences in places like Chiang Mai and Luang Prabang.

Polish cooking class with Polish Your Cooking in Warsaw, Poland
Learning to make pierogi in Poland while taking a cooking class in Warsaw

Our first order of business was to eat because no chef should enter the kitchen hungry. Michal and his team had laid out a spread of bread, meats, cheeses, vegetables, and pickled herring, so we happily ate a second breakfast. (I’m a bit of a Hobbit that way.)

Making pierogi including the step by step process from ingredients to completed items

Once we’d had our fill, it was time to start cooking, so we made our way over to the kitchen.

We first worked on the dough for the dumplings, and once that was ready we set that aside and got to work on the fillings.

We had 3 different fillings during our lesson: two savoury ones, and a sweet one.

For the savoury fillings, we prepared one batch with ground beef and onions, and a second batch with cheese and potatoes.

We also learned how to carefully close the pierogi so that the filling wouldn’t leak once they were boiled.

Boiling pierogi in the pot and cooking them to perfection

In many ways making pierogi reminded me of all the long Saturdays I’ve spent in the kitchen folding empanadas whenever I’m home, and apparently, that’s how it’s also done in Poland.

Michal was telling us that it’s a bit of a family tradition to spend your weekend making the dough and then folding 200 pierogi to last you a while.

It’s funny how some family traditions are the same around the globe.

A plate full of pierogi in Warsaw, Poland

After folding the savoury pierogi, it was time to get started on dessert. For this, we chopped up strawberries, though in theory, you could use just about any fruit that’s in season.

Once we had placed the fruit in the middle of the dumplings, we sprinkled them with a pinch of brown sugar and vanilla-infused white sugar. We also added a bit of cinnamon once they were cooked, and they were delicious!

Savoury and sweet pierogi in Warsaw, Poland

And then it was time for the best part – EATING!

The funny thing is that even though it took us almost 3 hours to prepare all the food, we devoured it in a matter of minutes.

I guess all that hard work helped build our appetite!

Cooking certificate for making Polish food in Warsaw, Poland

Pierogi Cooking Class Details

We took this cooking class with Michal who runs Polish Your Cooking. However, it’s been a few years since then and he no longer offers this class so below is a great alternative.

Polish Dumplings with Liqueur Tasting Cooking Class

⭐️ RATING: 5/5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 2 hours | ✅ Book it!

This is Warsaw’s #1 cooking class and you get to learn to make pierogi, the local Polish specialty!

The class runs around 2 hours and aside from getting to eat your culinary creations, you also get to enjoy a Polish liquers tasting.

Vegetarian and vegan options are available on request with prior notice.

You can book this cooking class here.

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    1. says: Audrey

      They were so good! If only they weren’t so time-consuming to make…maybe it comes with practice. 😉

  1. says: Nadia Natalia

    OMG, my saliva is dripping when I see your pictures. It looks like a fun activity to do in Poland. I hope I can join some of their cooking class when I have the chance to visit Poland.

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, yeah, I find that cooking classes are a really fun activity to try around the world. Plus I also enjoy learning some of the history behind the recipes.

  2. says: Emma

    Yum! I love pierogi and, being Polish, I definitely think I should learn how to make them so I can cook them for people – will keep this place in mind for a future visit to Warsaw. I love their name too!

    1. says: Audrey

      I also thought the name was very witty! It caught my attention right away.

  3. says: Britt

    These look so delicious! I’ve had the chinese version and japanese version of dumplings, but have yet to try the polish version. The hungarian woman I work with makes something similar with apricots in them that are super delicious!

    Definitely bookmarking this for my trip to Poland next year!

    1. says: Audrey

      Ah, the gyoza! I like those pan-fried dumplings as well. That reminds me, when I lived in South Korea I used to buy kimchi mandu (spicy fermented cabbage dumplings) all the time. Sounds a little odd, but it was so good!

  4. says: Aggy

    Who doesn’t love pierogi right?! It’s always the first thing I eat whenever I’m in Poland, once I landed on a pierogi festival in Krakow, heaven or what!?

    This cooking class looks awesome! I tried making pierogi once at home but was a bit of a mess, will definitely check this class out next time I’m in Warsaw!

    1. says: Audrey

      Ooo, a pierogi festival sounds right up my alley! I imagine there would be lots of unusual fillings to sample there.

  5. says: Estrella

    That looks like a fun activity! My mouth is watering, those pierogis look delicious. Like you, pierogis were one of my go to meals in university but I bet they taste nothing like the real thing. I’ve made them myself only once. A few months after I moved to Spain I attempted to make them from a recipe online. The end results weren’t bad, but now I just wait until I visit Toronto again to satisfy my craving.

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, yup, the quintessential student meal! They are just so easy to cook!!

  6. says: Katie

    Yum! Love the idea of dessert pierogi too. I have been travelling around Canada and Alaska this summer and have been eating A LOT of pierogi but am yet to try in Eastern Europe – one day 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      Wow, I didn’t realize they were that popular all over Canada. Sounds like a foodie trip. 😉

  7. The pierogi look amazing and I love both the Polish and Russian ones. In fact, it doesn’t matter where they come from, I’m ready to devour them on the spot LOL!

    I’ve been to Poland but surprisingly, I’ve never ever been to Warsaw but I’ll be taking this class when I eventually do so.

    Very nice!

    1. says: Audrey

      I haven’t tried the Russian ones, but if they’re anything like the Polish ones I’m sure I’ll love them. 😉

  8. says: Magdalena

    Yea, polish pierogi are the best! You should also try other polish dishes and hope you’ll like it 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      Yes! We did get to try a few different Polish dishes including bigos (the meat and cabbage stew) and also the highlander potato pancakes. So good! 🙂

  9. says: Ryan

    I remember trying pierogis in Pittsburg but it’d be so awesome to have some and make them in Poland. Very cool, when I get to Poland I’ll have to do this!

    1. says: Audrey

      It was such a fun cooking class – highly recommended if you get the chance!

  10. says: Monika

    What an experience! I’m the life long fan of pierogi. Any filing will do 😉
    I did share your link with Polish/American group on fb.

  11. says: Patricia

    They look delicious! We have the same dish in Slovakia and we call it “pirohy”. I have recently learnt to prepare this dish when I visited my boyfriend’s grandmother. It’s great that you experienced such an authentic part of food culture 🙂

  12. says: Megan

    Looks good. Can you send me the recipe? Thanks

  13. says: Amy

    I love pierogi so much! I used to eat them like all the time when I was studying in Poland. For me ruskie are the best. Actually, all the people from my language course liked them. By the way, if anyone is considering a good Polish course, here it is – Prolog: http://polishcourses.com/. Poland is a good place to live. And has a great cuisine, obviously 😉 I think I’ll visit my friends in Poland and eat pierogi with them.

  14. says: Lucy

    Hi Audrey,
    Thanks for the info! Going to try this experience out on Saturday, you convinced me that it’s well worth the money.
    Lucy (fellow pierogi-evangelist)

  15. says: Veeresh

    I am from India and did my masters in Poland. During that time I was so addicted to pierogi it was my daily pie just with a different shape. I was in Warsaw and used to get these on the streets every day. I travelled all around Poland enjoyed different tastes, loved the country! During my stay in Poland, I built a website msinpoland.com to help students understand Poland better.

  16. says: Lisa

    I just have to say I love your videos and posts. You give just the right amount of information and opinion. I’ve found some wonderful places for my upcoming European trip. Thank you ever so much for making designing our itinerary so much easier. Plus you two are adorable.

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