Travelling with Sisters: Tips to Help You Have a Great Trip!

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For years my sisters and I dreamed of travelling across Europe together. We’d sit up late at night talking of the cities we’d visit, the trains we’d ride and the things we’d see. Well, a few summers ago we finally made it happen with a whirlwind trip across England, France, Germany, and Switzerland!

Travelling with Sisters: Tips to Help You Have a Great Trip! Traveling with sisters in Europe
Travelling with Sisters: Tips to Help You Have a Great Trip! Traveling with sisters in Europe

Travelling with sisters can be the trip of a lifetime, but it also has the potential for major disagreements if you don’t set a few ground rules. Having travelled with my two sisters extensively across Europe and Latin America, we have learned a thing or two about how to make our travels work. And sure, there have been a few minor disagreements along the way, but nothing that hasn’t been forgotten a few hours (ahem, and occasionally days) later. So here are my tips for travelling with sisters:

Plan Together

When it comes to sightseeing, my sisters and I are quite different. I prefer exploring back alleys, outdoor markets, rundown neighbourhoods (read shantytowns), and a lot of other places that don’t sound very appealing to the the average holiday maker. Given our varying interests, we have learned to compromise. Sometimes in order to do things together we have to be willing to try things we wouldn’t normally consider. I may drag them on a hike through the Sacred Valley (I made them suffer during a trip to Peru!) and they may in turn take me someplace they find interesting. Part of the experience of travelling together is that you get to see a new country through someone else’s eyes.

Travelling with sisters in London, England
Travelling with sisters in London, England

The Early Birds vs. the Sleepy Heads

Fortunately, when we’re on the road the three of us are early risers. There is no sense in wasting precious daylight in a new city. However, having travelled with friends who enjoy sleeping in past midday, I know bedtimes can be grounds for trouble. Agree on a schedule before you get there. This may mean someone has to set their alarm to get up earlier than they normally would, or perhaps the early riser can go exploring on their own while the other person catches up on some much needed rest.

Travelling with sisters in France as part of a Europe adventure together
Travelling with sisters in France as part of a Europe adventure together

Solo Time

Sometimes you just need to go your separate ways for a couple of hours. Travelling together means you will be spending more time with each other than you normally would; sitting next to each other on long winding bus rides, walking under the scorching sun, and perhaps even sleeping in a cramped hostel dorm. Taking out your aggravations on your siblings (of which I am guilty!) probably isn’t the best idea. The road can take its toll, and sometimes it’s best to take a break and part ways for a few hours.

Travelling with sisters and eating an airport dinner together at London Gatwick Airport
Travelling with sisters and eating an airport dinner together at London Gatwick Airport

Food Will Save the Day

Walking around a new city for hours on end can be exhausting and that can cause tempers to flare. I’ll be the first to admit that I get quite moody when I haven’t eaten, and my sisters are usually the first to notice. Food breaks keep my stomach happy and in turn I am a more pleasant person to be around! Whether it’s a simple baguette lunch at the park, or a stop at a little ice cream shop to indulge in some gelato, a food break and a chance to rest my weary feet are always a good idea.

Now that I’m feeling all sentimental from looking at these photos, I’d like to say that I really do have the best sisters ever! Now I’m just waiting for the months to fly by till they come visit me in Asia!

What are your tips for travelling with sisters?

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  1. says: Zhu

    I’m having a hard time traveling with other people because I take traveling seriously and frankly, I can be a pain: I’m cheap, I always want to go further, travel longer, explore, etc. I’m really into backpacking, traveling doesn’t usually mean “resting” for me. The only person I can travel with is my partner, really!

    1. says: thatbackpacker

      I know what you mean, it can be difficult to travel with even the best of friends. 😉 I’m quite frugal too – I’ve had friends freak out when they saw the ‘cheap’ accommodations I picked out for them, haha. But I’m glad my sisters and I are able to travel together, it’s a great bonding time. 🙂

  2. says: Nomadic Samuel

    These are all great tips but in the end food will most definitely save the day. Sometimes I think the only reason I’m still alive is so that I can stuff my face 😛

  3. says: Lindsey

    My family has travelled extensively within Australia, so my brothers and I are used to getting along on the road. That said, we do have different styles, and it’s a lot easier to compromise between two people. I think the best way to travel with siblings is to just give each other a lot of freedom, to know that you can take space if you need it.

  4. Looks like you and your sisters are a fun bunch together 😀 My one and only sibling is in the UK now. He’s a special child and it used to be a challenge for me to travel with him when we were younger. I went to the UK early last year and we were able to explore a few places together. He’s fun to be with now since he loves taking pictures (mostly vanity shots of himself LOL) and he loves to eat. I always need to bring extra money when I’m with him =))

    1. says: thatbackpacker

      We certainly do have our fun! We can be quite silly together. 😀 That’s nice that you got to explore a bit of the UK alongside your brother. I think spending time abroad with siblings creates some of the best memories.

  5. says: Ryan at Travel and Graphs

    Great post! Although there are some flare ups…in the end the intense experience of being on the road together will do wonders for the long term health of sibling relationships.

    1. says: thatbackpacker

      Very true! We really bonded during our time in Europe, now I just have to lure them over to Asia. 😀

  6. says: Suzy

    All great tips! I have two sisters too. We went to Hawaii a few years ago and you definitely live and learn things you should and shouldn’t do together. The food tip is so true! I call it “hangry”, a combination of both hungry and angry about being hungry.

    1. says: thatbackpacker

      Haha, I like that you have a name for it! I may start using ‘hangry’ too. 😉

  7. says: Tee, Passports and Postcards

    This is a great post for me to read as I’ve just returned from a trip with my brother and things didn’t go so smoothly as we both have different preferences. I agree with solo time- I spent some time doing my own thing and it was a good way to clear my head too. While it was a good trip, we’ll definitely need to plan better next time.

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