Eating Street Food at the Saturday Night Market in Chiang Mai

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One of my recent goals during my time in Chiang Mai has been to do more sightseeing and explore different parts of the city, namely all the different markets. I had walked past the Saturday Night Market before, but I had never really walked down Wualai Road on a Saturday night when all the vendors and food stands set up shop. On this particular weekend, Sam and I were lured over by the smell barbecue, pad thai, and baked sweet potatoes and we decided to do some filming while we were there.

 Here’s a look at the all the little snacks you can expect to find. We ate a lot!

Eating Street Food at the Saturday Night Market in Chiang Mai: Fried dumplings from the night market in Chiang Mai
Eating Street Food at the Saturday Night Market in Chiang Mai: Fried dumplings from the night market in Chiang Mai

Fried Dumplings

After living in Korea for a year, and eating gun mandu (군만두) almost daily, neither of us could resists getting a serving of pan-fried dumplings. Filling and delicious! Price: 30 baht

Snow Ice Cream

I noticed people walking around with little ice cream cups covered in fruit, and I naturally started following their trail. I mean, who doesn’t want ice cream? I finally came across a little side street serving up ‘snow ice cream’ which was similar to shaved ice with a bit of cream. Again, lots of toppings to choose from here including blueberries, kiwi, mango, strawberries, lychee, chocolate chunks and oreo cookie crumbs. Price: 29 baht

Eating tornado chips at the night market in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Eating tornado chips at the night market in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Twist Potato

Twist potato or tornado chips are a fun little snack that I first tried in Korea. A potato spiral is stretched out on a skewer, cooked in oil until crispy, and then you can choose from an assortment of flavours to sprinkle over top – cheese, barbecue, paprika, white cheddar. As you can see in the video, I didn’t like the thought of sharing…but I did. Price: 20 baht

Dim Sum & Spring Rolls

I first tried dim sum when I was travelling through Malaysia, and it is now a food that I immediately associate with breakfast. (Most Chinese restaurants I encountered in Malaysia started serving tea and dim sum at 5 in the morning!) While this dim sum wasn’t as amazing as what I had in the tea houses of Melaka or Georgetown, it was a nice little treat. Price: 40 baht

Grilled meat and sausages in Chiang Mai, Thailand as street food
Grilled meat and sausages in Chiang Mai, Thailand as street food

German Sausage

Ah, the barbecue! This is what lured us over to the night market. Price: 20 baht

Banana Egg Roti

Lastly for dessert we had one of our favourite treats: banana egg roti with a generous amount of chocolate syrup and sweet condensed milk drizzled over top. The perfect way to end our self-guided tasting tour of the Saturday Night Market! Price: 35 baht

Do you enjoy night markets?

What’s the best street snack you’ve ever tried?

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  1. says: Apol of Wanderful Together

    I wanted to cry when you started to scoop some ice cream!
    Huhuhuhu oh myyyy i miss Thailand!! 🙁

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, it was pretty tasty! 😉

  2. says: Bino / Frameless World

    I also love the Sunday night market in Tha Pae Gate area in Chiang Mai. It’s great to see different items being sold by the locals which also showcase the artistic side of them. I noticed that most of these items are hand-made. Of course, the FOOD!!! I’m addicted to the coconut ice cream with sticky rice and peanut on top! 😀

    1. says: Audrey

      That market is massive. I’ve walked through on a Sunday, and I just don’t know where to look because there’s just so much stuff. I think that’s where I’ll be picking up my souvenirs to take home. 😉

  3. German sausages for 20 baht? Why has nobody ever told me about that? I miss German sausages so much since I have moved to Cambodia. Must go to Chiang Mai!

    1. says: Audrey

      They weren’t quite the same as the sausages I’ve had in Germany (it’s pretty hard to top those!), but they were tasty nonetheless.

  4. says: Mo

    Oh, its very difficult to watch this video in the morning while being stuck at work… 😀
    I must say the twisted potato looks delicious, I cant wait for my trip by the end of this year! Audrey, your reaction while eating them was priceless 😀 Haha

    1. says: Audrey

      Well, we’re halfway through the year so it sounds like your trip is coming up soon. 😉

  5. says: Roisin

    The twist potato looks really good and fun to eat 🙂 And fried dumplings .. yum 🙂

  6. What’s the best street snack I’ve ever tried? It was a deep fried chicken’s leg in Taipei, Taiwan. A semi cooked chicken’s leg was dusted with some kind of savory powder, and a pocket was slit into the meatiest part of the leg. Cheese – a very UN -Chinese ingredient – was inserted into the pocket, and the leg was fried a bit longer. OMG!!! It was FANTASTIC!!!

    1. says: Audrey

      That sounds positively sinful! If I ever find myself in Taipei I need to track down whatever market you went to!

  7. That twist potato was DEEEEE LISH when I was in Korea. Didn’t know they had that in Thailand. Shopping at the night markets in Chiang Mai was truly an awesome experience.

  8. says: Sam

    Bad idea watching this when I was hungry. Or even if I wasn’t, cos it all looks so yummy, it would’ve made me hungry! Also, I love the photo of you holding the twist potato!

  9. says: Skúli

    Oh, I love the food there! That ice cream was my favourite, so gooood!

    1. says: Audrey

      The ice cream was pretty good. There are so many tempting treats in that market.

  10. says: Vanessa

    Woah, that banana egg roti looks heavenly! I think my all-time favorite street food was the first time I ate roasted chestnuts along with a cup of spiced wine at a Christmas market in Paris . Wowie! The perrrrfect winter treat!

  11. says: Beth

    I love love love banana roti of any sort! Or really, banana anything when in Thailand 🙂

    If you like dim sum, you must try it if you find yourself in Hong Kong or Macau! (Although with your trip to Finland in order, I’m guessing your short stint to Macau is being post-poned!)

    1. says: Audrey

      Oh Macau is still happening! I should be there around September. 😉

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