Our Sunny and Relaxing Cuban Honeymoon + 6 Months of Marriage

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It’s hard to believe, but this month marks six months since Sam and I tied the knot!

It has gone by so quickly that I actually forgot to share the few snaps I took during the honeymoon, so our six month anniversary seemed like a good time as any, am I right?

So let’s start off with the destination – we ended up in CUBA! I was initially set on Uzbekistan (a little unusual, I know), but in the end it didn’t seem like a very reasonable spot considering we had just come back to Canada after 15 months of galavanting around the world. Since I had won a trip to Cuba earlier in the year (wohoo!), Sam and I decided to turn that into our honeymoon and we headed down to Cayo Santa Maria for a full week of beach-bumming.

I wish I could tell you we spent the week crisscrossing the island and exploring little colonial towns (isn’t that what travel bloggers are supposed to do?), but the truth is we didn’t leave the resort. Normally we’re the complete opposite – I’m talking about that “spring out of bed, grab the day pack, and head out for a full day of exploring” attitude – but by the time we got to Cuba we just wanted to relax.

Our days started out with a tropical breakfast, then a few hours down at the beach, I’d have my nose in a book, we’d grab some lunch, spend a couple of hours at the pool, return to the beach, and next thing you knew it was time for dinner.

Our sunny and relaxing Cuban Honeymoon + 6 Months of Marriage: The beaches in Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba

The beaches in Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba.

Sam and Audrey in Cuba

The Newlyweds! The tan is long gone.

Piña coladas on the beach.

Another piña colada, por favor!

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Driftwood treasure after an afternoon of beach-combing.

Walking along the beach in Cuba.

Waiting for little sand crabs to come out.

Lighthouse and palm trees.
Lighthouse and palm trees. Not pictured: the sweat pouring down my back.

Shutter shades and a bit of reading.

We spent most of our time reading, and yes, I forced Sam into wearing shutter shades.

Pool time at Melia Las Dunas.

Pool time!

Enjoying the pool at Melia Las Dunas.

It’s not a bad life when you can spend the day alternating between the beach and the pool.

Melia Las Dunas in Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba.

The resort. We stayed at Melia Las Dunas in Cayo Santa Maria.

Hibiscus flower power.

Hibiscus flower power.

Audrey and Sam

That’s the mister on the right.

Cuban flag blowing in the wind.

It was Cuban night – there was lots of eating and dancing.

Turquoise waters and powdery shores. Cuba has the best beaches!

I’m going to go ahead and say Cuba has the best beaches in the Caribbean.

Sunset on the beach.

A bit of a surreal sunset.

Silhouette at sunrise.

The one morning we got up to watch the sunrise.

And now on to the wisdom. What exactly have I learned during the past 6 months of married life?

I married a closet chef. Yes, the boy can cook but I only discovered that about 5 months into married life. I have a feeling he was waiting for my “domestic instincts” to kick in, but when that didn’t happen, the choice was either starve or start cooking, and start cooking he did. Sam has created some amazing pasta sauces with pears and kiwis – it sounds weird, but it’s magic. AND he likes to go grocery shopping (which I don’t do) – I sure hit the jackpot with that one!

Divide and conquer is the key to doing house chores. So, I’m not the neatest person, and neither is Sam. This wasn’t a huge surprise since we’ve travelled together. I’ve seen our suitcases explode and the belongings scatter themselves the minute we check into a hotel or guesthouse… That being said, neither of us wanted our new apartment to look like a pigsty, so we’ve split the duties. He cooks, I do laundry. He does the dishes, I do the vacuuming. It works.

A little space is good. Sam and I spend more time together than your average couple. When we were backpacking we spent 24 hours a day together, and now that we’re both in school completing the same degree, well, we probably still spend close to 24 hours a day together. I’m used to his company and I like having him around, but I’m also one of those quiet contemplators who likes a little space and silence. So we’ve learned to give each other that space; that could mean working in different rooms, or one person going over to the library (and that’s usually Sam because I’m allergic to winter).

It’s important not to get lost in the ‘we’. I think this is especially important for the introverts. I prefer small gatherings or one-on-one chats with people, so when you throw me into a big social setting I tend to feel like a fish out of water. What do I do? I stick with Sam because he’s chatty, which means I have to chat to less strangers. I know, bad, very bad! Because I’m well aware of my habit, I’ve been purposely trying to push myself out of my comfort zone. Case in point: I recently attended a travel networking event in Washington DC on my own (ha! sounds so easy when I type it). The first 10 minutes were brutal, as is to be expected when you walk into a room full of strangers, but I survived and I even made a few new friends by the end of the evening.

And those are my little nuggets of wisdom. Not a particularly long list, but hey, it’s only been 6 months!

Happy anniversary, Sam!

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  1. says: Neysha

    Aww this is great! Cuba is the perfect place for a travel bloggers honeymoon, I think – pretty undiscovered and beautiful.

  2. says: Rebekah

    this is so cute. I’ve always liked dating chatty men so I don’t have to deal with it. Or I actually feel more chatty when I already have a buddy with me then with just being alone. Hope the next 6 months go just as well for you

  3. Such cute honeymoon pics… although I’m not sure about the level of UV protection those spectacles are providing Sam!!! 😛 haha

  4. says: Rachel of Hippie in Heels

    gotta love it when a boy can cook! I lucked out there too. Thanks for sharing photos from your honeymoon looks like you had a blast- and wow, that water is amazingly clear!

  5. says: Corinne

    Looks pretty magical. What a great way to start a marriage! Congrats.

  6. says: Heather

    Your honeymoon looks so relaxing and I’m sure a quiet week at the beach was just what you two needed. We spent a week at a resort on Koh Lanta after two busy weeks exploring the rest of the country and it was heaven! Happy anniversary 🙂

  7. says: Marlene

    Wow! I really want to go to Cuba! Too bad you didn’t get to see a lot of the island but as it was your honeymoon I guess it is okay to just relax at the resort and spend time together. 😀

  8. Happy Anniversary to you both! Your Cuba honeymoon looks just perfect- I think relaxation is needed once in a while! We didn’t have our honeymoon until about 6 months after our wedding so we did half and half. The first half of the trip was exploring and being active in Burma and the second half was relaxing in Thailand.

  9. says: Erin

    Wonderful photos!! Congratulations to you both! What an amazing honeymoon it must have been. (Also, I got married four months ago and haven’t posted honeymoon photos yet, so it’s good to know there’s hope for me yet. 😉 )

  10. says: Emily

    I love Cuba! We went a couple years ago for a friend’s destination wedding and so spent one week backpacking and one week just being resort bums. It was a perfect mix of travel! Who/what did you win the trip through?

  11. says: A Montrealer Abroad

    I love your photos from the resort! Just got back from there myself and it brought back nice memories. The beach was so much more agitated when I was there though, the red flag was up 5 days out of 7!

  12. says: Mel Auffredou

    This is so cute! Gorgeous pictures and congrats on your 6 months together!

  13. Take it from someone who’s been married for almost 8 (eek! wtf?) years — those are all great tips! Alone time, especially. We love spending time and traveling together, but if you’re always together, what are you going to talk about?? I’m actually a fairly extroverted person, but I felt so out of my element at that networking event in DC, it took a LOT for me to introduce myself to you — and I was such a goobery fan girl, it was totally embarrassing. But those moments help us grow, right? Love the Cuba pictures! Hopefully soon it will be easier for someone with a US passport to go — I’m dying to see it!

  14. says: Sandra

    Congratulations on making 6 months. The honeymoon period will only get better as you go along. I’m now in the treacle moon period(well, this is what I call it), nearly 30 years. And life is fantastic, especially when travelling is apart of our lives.
    Thanks for sharing your photographs and I love reading your blog. Keep up the great work!

  15. says: Claire

    Your pics are lovely and it looks like you had a great time on your honeymoon. I love relaxing vacations like that, just sitting by the pool or beach reading and sipping on a tropical drink.

  16. says: Laura

    Cuba looks amazing! I’m allergic to winter, too – how did you make it through it here in Korea?? I’m dying!

  17. Looks like the perfect honeymoon, complete with lots of r & r. My h would have loved this type of honeymoon-instead I had him traipsing all over Europe 🙂 Cuba is a destination I’m dying to visit and while I would definitely want to tour, tour, tour, you can’t go wrong with those idyllic beaches either!

    I’ve been married for 4.5 years and all your observations were spot on…although my h needs to pick up some slack in the household department 🙂

  18. says: De'Jav

    Cuba looks like a great place to be. Congrats on 6 months and many more to come.

  19. says: Marilyn

    great photos ..congrats on 6 months of marriage
    The beach looks so inviting…bucket list

  20. “I have a feeling he was waiting for my “domestic instincts” to kick in, but when that didn’t happen, the choice was either starve or start cooking, and start cooking he did.” Hahaha, love it! Congrats you two. Great post, as always.

    Happy travels 🙂

  21. says: Britt

    Beautiful photos! Not exactly what I picture when I think about Cuba! I swear I’d be happy spending months in that country.

  22. says: budget jan

    I’ve been following you and Sam (loosely it seems) for a long time and so when I check back in again, I find out that you got married???!!! Congratulations you make a great couple. I like your tips for 6 months in. Have Fun.

  23. We are contemplating a short-ish trip to Cuba soon – any advice on where to do research? or where you plan to go when you go back? thank you!

  24. says: Ninay

    Congratulations on your honeymoon! Looks like you lovebirds had a grand time! Cuba seems amazing!

  25. says: Jennifer

    Wow – beautiful pictures of the beach in Cuba. I haven’t had the opportunity to go and look forward making time for a trip. Best of wishes to you both in your marriage.

  26. says: Boundless Mongolia

    Wow !! Really different from other destination……too beautiful.

  27. Congratulations Audrey! Sam and yourself are a wonderful match and how lovely that you met while travelling. That’s what travelling is all about. Your photos are gorgeous and I must say both the Cuban island and yourselves look lovely. Happy married life and welcome to the club!

  28. says: Kerri

    Great blog! Looks like you guys and us have a lot in common. We just got back from Cuba (June 2015) and we’re getting married in Nov, in Bali, where we’ll honeymoon on Gili T. Love travel blogging as well and living an unconventional life. Cheers!!

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