WE GOT MARRIED! Sam and Audrey’s Summer Wedding Photos

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Now for the post we’ve all been waiting for – the surprise wedding! If you’re signed up for the newsletter I send out every couple of months then this is old news to you, but for everyone else, here is the big reveal with pictures.

On Saturday, July 12, 2014, Sam and I tied the knot. We gathered in a bright, little greenhouse and surrounded by 30 of our closest friends and family members we said ‘I do’. After a year of dating in South Korea, and another year and a half backpacking around 25+ countries, we finally made it official. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery!

WE GOT MARRIED! Sam and Audrey's Summer Wedding Photos: Sam and Audrey got married!

Getting Ready

The morning of the wedding was quite low-key as we all got ready at my parents’ home. My sister did my hair, I did my own makeup, and I wore a flower crown that I had made the day before. I decided to go with a short dress because it was the middle of summer, and I chose lace because I like the classic look! Sam wore a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a beige vest and trousers. We told our friends not to bother with jackets and ties, so most people showed up in bright summer colours and tropical prints – perfect for a summer wedding in a tropical greenhouse!

Audrey and Sam's Wedding pictures of details

A summer wedding in a tropical greenhouse.

Lighting a unity candle during the wedding ceremony.

The Ceremony

Sam and I both wanted to have a simple, intimate, and laid-back wedding. There were no rehearsals, no bridal showers, no bachelor/bachelorette parties.

We asked my parents’ friends Mel and Susan to officiate the wedding, and my dear friend Alyssa played the keyboard for us.

Both of my parents walked me down the aisle, and I can honestly say there were no nerves that day. The ceremony was very light-hearted, we hung out with our guests before the wedding even started, and my dad and the pastor were cracking jokes the whole time.

Getting hitched in Brampton, Ontario, Canada!

Friends and family attending Samuel and Audrey's wedding

More family and friends.

Sam's parents speaking a blessing over us.

The wedding bands.

Cracking jokes during the wedding ceremony.

More family and friends.

Making it official on paper.

The Reception

The reception was in my parents’ backyard where we set up dinner tables and umbrellas for an outdoor meal. My dad is Argentinean so a proper asado was in order. He was put in charge of the grill and cooked up a delicious barbecue for everyone. Meanwhile in the kitchen, my mom and friends had spent the previous day orchestrating all sorts of recipes including Spanish treats like empanadas and alfajores. And for the cake, we tracked down an Argentinean baker who made a delicious mille-feuille vanilla cake with dulce de leche, peaches and cream. What can I say – South Americans know how to throw a good dinner party!

It was a really fun afternoon and people lingered until it was dark out. We ate, we drank, we laughed, and then we ate some more. At the end of the night we sent people home with platefuls of food, and other friends stayed back and spent the night in our family home.

We couldn’t have asked for a better day.

Our queue from the photographer was "be casual!" This is what she got.

The Bergner family portrait.

Arielle's heels were sinking. My heels were sinking. Ashley was saving the bouquet.

The Jeffery family portrait.

Lace, baby's breath, and South African proteas.

How you doin'?

A kiss.

The Honeymoon

At the end of August we’re off on our honeymoon. It’s going to be tropical, it’s an island that has some of the best beaches in the world, and it’s a country that I have previously travelled to but Sam has not. Any guesses?

P.S. If you’re in the mood for another lovey-dovey story, you can also read about how Sam and I met in South Korea. xoxo


Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery

Just married!

My bouquet of South African proteas, baby's breath, and other exotic flowers.

The boy and me.

A huge thank you to our photographer Gabriela Hansen for capturing the day! If you’re search of a photographer in the Toronto area, this girl knows her stuff!

Join the Conversation


  1. says: Rachel

    Congrats, guys! Looks like a really amazing ceremony – and those are some fantastic pics!

  2. says: Jackie D

    1. FIRST COMMENT. I AM CREEPIEST. 2. You guys are the cutest. Beautiful location and beautiful photos! So happy for you!

  3. says: Olivia del Rosario

    wow! congratulations!! beautiful photos!!<3

  4. says: Charlie

    Congratulations! You look very beautiful, and I love your quirky but simple dress. Happy travels to you both 🙂

  5. Love this, and love how *you* it was. I gushed when I saw your instagram when it happened. x

  6. YAY!!
    Congratulations, guys! Gotta love a good travel ends in love story! 😀
    And I must say also that, after seeing dozens of photos of you guys in “backpackers clothes” you look mighty fine all dressed up!
    Wishing you all the best!

    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks Zara! We know how to clean up when the occasion calls for it. 😉

  7. says: Kayla

    Congratulations!!! Beautiful Pictures! I hope your day was lovely and I hope you have the best time on your honeymoon!

  8. says: Sandeep

    Congratualtion Audrey! All the pictures are amazing. You looks beautiful.
    Wish you all the best.

  9. says: Rachel of Hippie in Heels

    This gave me goosebump! I thought you were joking on instagram LOL! I just told my bf all excited and he’s like “so one of your online friends you never met got married?” yup, big deal! haha congrats you two! The day looked amazing and I love your dress. I especially love that you made a flower headband yourself; I’m quite partial to them! I’m happy you two are happy 🙂

  10. says: Jessica of Curiosity Travels

    Congrats you two!! Such a fantastic love story. Love how you made the wedding exactly how you wanted, no pressure, simple and fun. The photos are gorgeous, too! Enjoy the honeymoon!! How will you make it different than all the other travels? Maybe some splurging is in order? 😉

  11. says: Explorista

    You look SO beautiful. This is the kind of wedding I’d want, if I ever were to marry. No fuss, just fun.

  12. Wow, Audrey! What a beautiful story. Your wedding looked wonderful – I’d love to have the same low-key affair some day! And I love the dress you wore. Thanks for sharing the story with us 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about the honeymoon!

  13. says: Ali

    Congrats to you both! So exciting!

  14. says: Maria Falvey

    Congrats! Audrey you are the most stunning bride. Love the dress, the greenhouse, the park like setting and your families’ enthusiasm. Bravo!

  15. Oh my God, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It looks like such a beautiful day and you look absolutely stunning Audrey! 🙂 The photos almost brought a tear to my eye, I’m delighted for you both! X

  16. says: Kara

    Awwwww congratulations! You both look great! I love the whole vibe you’ve got going here, laid-back weddings are the absolute GREATEST — no need to stress, just need to love 🙂 As a regular reader of your blog, it has been fun to see your relationship grow alongside your adventures. Here’s to continued travels with the one you love! Cheers!

  17. says: Shing

    Happy Days! Laid-back, intimate, unrehearsed, great weather – sounds like the perfect wedding! The photos are gorgeous, thanks for sharing your special day with us!

  18. says: Pam | a Blonde around the World

    Aaww congrats you guys and all the best whishes for a future together!
    The ceremony looked so intimate and simple, love it!!
    Looking forward to read about your honemymoon!!!! 🙂

  19. says: Stef

    Congratulations! You two are so great together, I wish you all the best. I love your photos, the last one is my absolute favorite though and your dress is perfect for a summer wedding! Happy honeymoon 🙂

  20. says: Ashley

    Congratulations! Looks like such a lovely venue and beautiful photos! Are you going to Cuba for your honeymoon?!

    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks Ashley! And you guessed right – Cuba it is! 🙂

  21. says: Charlie

    Wow, what a beautiful ceremony! Congrats! If I were to get married I’d do it the same way, laid-back and intimate – your dress looks amazing too 🙂

  22. says: Zoe

    These photos just brought me to tears. Congratulations guys 😀

    Now, I’m going to go and read all the other lovey dovey stuff.
    – Feeling Romantic

  23. says: Amanda

    D’awwwww! Congrats, you two! Sounds like the perfect laid-back wedding. And it looks like you had great weather!

  24. says: The Guy

    Many, many, many congratulations to you both. When you’ve travelled for so long together it is absolutely clear you are made for each other.

    I’m really delighted to hear the news as are all of us followers of your blogs.

    The pictures are fantastic and I really like the fun poses. The colours are very vibrant and the setting looks very romantic.

    I wish you both a wonderful honeymoon. (Although I dare say it maybe a little bit of a busman’s holiday?)

    All the best again to you both x

  25. says: Derek

    I love following your blog and seeing all the adventurous things you guys do. This is just another step in your great adventure.

  26. says: Sam

    Congratulations! It looks like it was a lovely day and a great setting. I especially like the silly photos with your families! I’m getting married next month, and it’s actually going to be even more low key: when I called up to book the room at the town hall, they asked if space for 25 was enough. There are going to be just 4 of us (my, my partner and two witnesses!), so that gave me a chuckle.

    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks Sam, and congrats to you and Zab! Wishing you two much happiness on your special day. 🙂

  27. says: STOFFEL


  28. says: Clay

    Congratulations!! These are beautiful pictures :).

  29. says: Alexandra

    Congratulations! I love the short dress and the laid back vibes of the wedding. This is the type of wedding I wish for someday 😉

  30. says: Shaz Lake

    Stunning! I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness! You make a beautiful bride, and make it look so effortless, congratulations :).

  31. says: luiggia

    How lovely! And how generous of you to share much marvelous beautiful ocasion with all of us! Thank you and with all my heart, mthe best of the best to you!

  32. says: Marilyn

    Oh yes, my kind of wedding….congrats to both of you and love the photos

  33. Congrats! Love the dress, you looked amazing! Simple weddings are the best, wedding aren’t worth all the fuss and headaches. Can’t wait to hear about the honeymoon.

  34. says: Carmel

    Congratulations! What a beautiful and fitting wedding. I hope you will have a lifetime of happiness and adventure together!

  35. says: Julika

    Congrats you two! I love the idea of having a wedding ceremony inside a greenhouse! So lovely! And your dress looks gorgeous, Audrey!

  36. says: Franca

    Wow! Congratulations guys, you two look so happy, I wish you all the best 🙂

  37. says: Keith Dearinger

    Yea! Congratulations!

  38. says: Gill

    Fantastic, many congratulations to you both. The pictures are beautiful and seem to capture your special day perfectly. I’ve been following your blogs for some time now Audrey, having stumbled on it by accident when looking for ‘hints and tips’ on travelling. I can honestly say this is a beautiful ending to one chapter and a fantastic beginning to the next. May your ‘happy feet’ travel many more miles together :- x

  39. says: Sarah Somewhere

    Congratulations!! You both look gorgeous, I absolutely love your dress and flower crown! Stunning. Looks like everyone had so much fun! Thanks for sharing your special day.

  40. says: Nguyen @HolidayBays

    Yay! Congratulation! Photos look awesome!

  41. says: Expatkerri

    Congratulations to you and Sam! I am also in favour of a simple ceremony and I love that you chose a short dress! So pretty and summery! Wishing you all the best on your honeymoon… in… Indonesia?

    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks for the wishes, Kerri! We’re actually off to the Caribbean, more precisely Cuba!

  42. says: Michelle

    Congratulations!!!! Sounds and looks like an amazing day 🙂

  43. says: Beth

    Congratulations!! I am so, so, SO happy for you. You guys are seriously one of my favorite couples ever! I can’t wait to see where you end up on your honeymoon! Will you guys be back in Canada for a bit after that? Johnny and I are thinking of making the trek up that way from Chicago since I’ve never been 🙂

  44. says: Tiana

    Congratulations!! What gorgeous pictures!

  45. says: Ivan

    Congrats, wishing you guys a life of health, wealth, and happiness!!

  46. says: Glamourous Traveller

    Congrats to you both! What a beautiful easy laid-back wedding. And a gorgeous setting!

    Wishing you a lifelong of happiness together =)


  47. says: Anna @ It Started in Asia

    Huge congratulations Audrey & Sam! Sounds like the perfect day – low key, no stress and good times. Beautiful pics and recap 🙂

  48. says: Lois

    This was so simple and heartfelt that it got me teary eyed. Thank you for sharing your special day. Congratulations and I wish you a happily ever after.

  49. says: Sab

    Two of my favorite bloggers are getting married, that’s awesome! Congrats to both of you! I hope to meet you guys soon again! Warm hugs from Thailand <3

  50. says: Charli

    Audrey you look so beautiful. Love your dress and the simplicity of the day. What a wonderful way to celebrate. Ben and I wish you both all the very best 🙂

  51. says: Jenna

    Sweet! Congratulations!! I like your style of wedding…my husband and I got married one morning at the local courthouse so I obviously prefer laid-back ceremonies 🙂

  52. I’ve been so busy writing and working on our own blog, I’ve been out of touch with what’s going on in the blogosphere for years, I don’t even think I knew you two were an item! So a hearty congratulations – you both look so happy and absolutely lovely, the photos are sweet, and it looks like the coolest of weddings. Congrats! Let us know if you ever get to Cambodia – we’ll enjoy a bottle of bubbles together.

  53. says: Agness

    I knew it would eventually happen, but you totally surprised me! Congrats once again! THOSE WHO TRAVEL TOGETHER, STAY TOGETHER!

  54. says: Steve

    Congratulations to the pair of you. I give you my heartfelt best wishes for the future.

  55. says: Shikha (whywasteannualleave)

    Oh wow!! This is so exciting and the wedding looks absolutely gorgeous!!! I am so jealous that it’s part of your normal cuisine to have empanaadas, alfajores and the dulce de leche mille feuille sounds absolutely divine – I tried some of these treats on my first trip to Argentina this year and totally fell in love with the food out there! Congratulations and I’m a hopeless romantic so am off to read the post about how you met!

  56. says: Dariece


    Congratulations to the both of you. It’s amazing to find someone who shares the same passions as you do. Although we’ve never actually met the two of you (yet) we feel like we know you and are genuinely very happy for you both 🙂 We’re looking forward to hearing about the honeymoon!

    Wishing you all the best from Grenada,
    Dariece & Nick

  57. says: Vid

    Well that’s a surprise 🙂 Congratulations to the two of you. The ceremony and reception pictures look amazing – everyone looks so happy and relaxed and that’s how it should be. Here’s wishing you a lifetime of happiness and travel together. Cheers !

    BTW, is the honeymoon in Mauritius ? 😉

  58. says: Wandering Educators

    Wonderful! Congratulations!!

  59. says: prasit Khotchakhot

    Congratulations.You are the most beautiful people.

  60. says: Heather

    Awww, this is so sweet! Love the relaxed yet elegant feel to the day. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life!

  61. says: Ruthie

    Hi Audrey,

    Congratulations on Your Wedding! First of all, I love all the small details that made up this special day, from your dress to the flowers. Everything looked beautiful and I am so happy for both of you! I hope that you both live a happy life!


    Ruthie Turner

  62. says: Oneika the Traveller

    Love love love this!! So simple and so real! We also opted to go the low-key route for our recent nuptials, it was awesome! So happy to have had the opportunity to meet you guys in Hong Kong, even over dim sum it was clear that you crazy kids were made for each other… 😉 Hope to meet you again somewhere around the world again… And soon! (Dying to find out where the honeymoon will be! Enjoy!)

  63. says: rebecca

    awww congrats. looks like one awesome day

  64. says: Kirsty

    The pictures look lovely! I’m getting more and more excited for our wedding in 6 weeks!
    Congrats guys and you’ve picked the best date (my birthday!)

  65. says: Kian & Sri

    Congratulations for your beautiful and lovely occasion, we wish you a day filled with cherished moments.
    Love is best when shared by two 🙂 Have a wonderful married life !

  66. says: Brandon

    Congrats! I rode a motorcycle from West Virginia to Panama City, Panama with my girlfriend this past winter. It’s amazing how you feel that if you can survive the stresses that extreme travel can put on a couple, you can survive anything. Good luck to you both!

  67. says: Bren

    How did I miss this! Congrats you two, that’s amazing.

    How many other travel blogger marriages have we had?

  68. says: Valorie

    Congrats! The photos are beautiful and it looks like it was a very special and lovely day. 🙂

  69. says: Karyn @ Not Done Travelling

    I haven’t had the chance to stop by your blog in a long time, but just wanted to say congratulations!

  70. says: Miriam of Adventurous Miriam

    Congratulations! You both look so happy and the photos are absolutely gorgeous.

  71. says: Michael

    Looked like a perfect ceremony. I am a month out from getting married on the Indonesian island of Gili Trawangan. Just a small ceremony like yours although on the beach. Wish me luck 🙂

  72. says: Nellie

    Better late than never.. congratulations!!!! Awww you guys looked so sweet. Such a pretty, intimate wedding. 😉

    P.S. I didn’t know your father’s Argentinean!

  73. Hey Missy,
    I don’t know if you remember I was planning on launching my site this February. Well I have launched it and I would love for you to please check it out. I cam across articles written about writing successful travel blogs and I came across this one (http://nomadicsamuel.com/motivation/how-to-create-a-successful-travel-blog-in-your-first-year-of-blogging#comment-69933) ring a bell? Is that your husband??!! Anyways, congrats again and please check out my blog on Egypt 🙂


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