Carnaval de Quebec: Attending Quebec City’s Biggest Winter Party!

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This past weekend Sam and I took a little trip to Quebec City to take part in Carnaval de Quebec – the biggest winter festival in Canada! This is an event that I’ve wanted to attend for years, so I was thrilled to finally have the chance to do so.

What I loved about this celebration is that people came out by thousands in spite of the cold! There were groups of friends, couples, and even families with their toddlers in tow. There is a lot of fun to be had in Quebec City in winter – the key is to bundle up!

We wanted to give you a taste of what Carnaval de Quebec is all about, so here are some highlights of the various events and activities we took part in!

Highlights from Carnaval de Quebec

Carnaval de Quebec: Attending Quebec City's Biggest Winter Party: Quebec City and Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac

Dog sledding for the first time

When Sam and I spotted dog sledding inside the winter carnival grounds, we made a beeline for it. We had both always wanted to try dog sledding, but we’d never had the opportunity. Well, today was the day! When we arrived we were met by a team of ecstatic pups who just wanted to run. I had barely gotten a tutorial on stopping and steering when I lifted my foot off the brake and off we went. The loop was short, but it was a fun introduction to dog sledding and I definitely want to try it again next time I find myself in a winter destination.

Dog sledding at the Carnaval de Quebec in Quebec, Canada

Ice canoeing on the frozen Saint Lawrence

There are some badass Canadians out there! Yes, those are the frozen waters of the Saint Lawrence River, and yes, those are teams pushing their canoes through the ice to compete in the ice canoe races. Can you believe this is a sport?! I got to try ice canoeing as well (that’s another story for another post!) and man, do I ever have some newfound respect for what these people do. Being out there is not easy, but you sure do get an adrenaline rush out of it!

Ice canoe races on the frozen waters of the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec City, Canada

Ice fishing with a guaranteed catch

I’ve never gone fishing before, let alone ice fishing, so I decided to give it a go. Well, they must’ve had the tank beneath us really well-stocked because Sam and I were there less than 2 minutes before a fish ate the bait and swam away, and then another few minutes before we actually caught one. Fastest catch ever! We then took our fish to the grill and they cooked it on site.

Ice fishing at Carnaval de Quebec, Canada

A ride on a horse-drawn sleigh

“Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.”

Horse drawn sleighs at Carnaval de Quebec in Canada

I feel like this was a weekend of firsts. Yet again, I got to do something I never had before by riding a horse-drawn sleigh. We were given blankets to help us stay warm, and then off we went for a leisurely ride around the Plains of Abraham. I was humming Jingle Bells in my head because the lyrics couldn’t be any more fitting.

Beavertails and hot chocolate

I still remember the first time I heard about beavertails years ago. A look of horror briefly passed through my face as I envisioned these crazy Canadians catching beavers and deep-frying their tails as a snack; thankfully I was pretty off pointing with this one. Beavertails are actually fried dough pastries that can be topped with all kinds of sweet condiments. I treated myself to a Triple Trio which had Nutella, peanut butter, and Reese’s pieces chocolate on top. Pair that with a cup of hot chocolate and you have the perfect mid-afternoon pick me up.

Beavertails and hot chocolate in Quebec City, Canada

Meeting Bonhomme, the face of Carnaval de Quebec

Oh, Bonhomme! What can I say about this guy? To me, he’s half snowman and half Pillsbury doughboy. He’s got a sharp sense of humour, a giant smile, and a kick that cracks me up every single time. We got to tour his ice palace and he had everyone laughing the whole time. My favourite lost in translation moment was when he welcomed us into his living room, “This is my restroom. Can you say that? My room where I rest.”

Hugs with Bonhomme de Neige, Quebec, Canada

Inside Bonhomme's Ice Palace a magical winter wonderland!

Incredible ice sculptures

We saw some very talented artists at work during the Carnaval de Quebec. There were teams at work with all manner of tools and instruments ranging from saws to sandpaper. The photo above shows one of my favourite sculptures. The artists wasn’t around so I couldn’t ask what his vision was, but I like to think there’s a connection to Canada’s marine wildlife in there.

Ice Sculptures at Carnaval de Quebec, Canada

Activities at Carnaval de Quebec:

And that is just a little taste of some of the things I got to try in one day. Of course, there are plenty more activities to choose from including:

  • Dog sledding
  • Snowboarding
  • Tubing
  • Sleigh rides
  • Ice fishing
  • Hot tubs
  • Life-sized foosball
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Ice bumper cars
  • Snow sculptures
  • Dancing (because you’ve gotta find a way to stay warm!)
  • and more!

Fun activities at Carnaval de Quebec, Canada

People enjoying winter at Carnival de Quebec, Canada

A beautiful sunset over Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Winter travel tips for Carnaval de Quebec

  • Bundle up and bundle up some more! The key to enjoying Carnaval de Quebec is to stay warm; if you start to get cold you’ll be miserable! Heat packs were a lifesaver for me. I had never used them before, but they are the only thing that got me through the cold! You give them a good shake, slip a pack into each of your mittens, and you are set for the day. I also wished I had brought snow pants and proper winter boots (my UGG look-alikes are warm but they aren’t waterproof and they were usually wet by the end of the day).
  • Choose a hotel that’s within walking distance of the activities. You don’t want to spend a lot of time getting from point A to point B, when the temperatures are hovering between -25C and -35C (sometimes colder!) I stayed at the Hilton Quebec which was a short 5-minute walk from the grounds, but there are also lots of smaller, independently run hostels and guesthouses to choose from if you’re looking for something that’s a bit more budget-friendly.
  • Plan your visit with the carnival schedule in hand. Carnaval de Quebec lasts 16 days and there are all kinds of events scheduled over that period of time – many of which don’t repeat themselves. If you’re set on watching the ice canoe races or dancing the night away on DJ night, make sure you time your visit to coincide with those events.

Here’s a video we filmed during the Carnaval de Quebec to give you a feel of the event:


Have you been to Quebec City in the winter?
Did you get to experience Carnaval de Quebec?

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    1. says: Audrey

      Oh, they are delicious! Definitely try one next time you’re in town.

    1. says: Audrey

      Now you do! 🙂 If you’re ever in Quebec City in the wintertime, this is a fun event to check out.

  1. says: Tawnya

    I’ve always wanted to go to that. Maybe next year. It looks like a lot of fun.

    1. says: Audrey

      I hope you get to go Tawnya! It’s THE place to experience all things winter.

  2. says: De'Jav

    I’m definitely not a fan of the cold however this looks pretty cool the canoe and beavertail.

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, I’m not a fan of the cold either, but if you bundle up and wear the right gear it’s not so bad. 😉

  3. says: Natasha

    Those beavertails are enough to get me to Quebec! Nutella AND PB AND Reece’s? Oh, Canada! 😉

    1. says: Audrey

      So much chocolatey goodness in every single bite. Makes it hard to share! 😉

    1. says: Audrey

      I was also there in the summer, and it almost felt like a different city coming back in the winter. Surprisingly enough, I actually feel like I did more during my winter visit despite the cold!

  4. says: Renuka

    This is simply incredible! Quebec City is one of the most gorgeous places on earth, and discovering its winter side is just a huge topping of icing on the cake! You seem to have a lot of fun! Lovely snaps! And yes, the sculptures look so cute.

    1. says: Audrey

      It’s a beautiful city and it has a very European feel. Actually, their new motto is “So Europe. So close.” Quite fitting. 😉

  5. says: Justine

    This looks like the most amazing festival! After spending so many months in Jakarta, I can’t even imagine how nice it would be to be in the snow again! It looks lovely there. Plus, I’ve always wanted to try dog sledding…so count me in!

    1. says: Audrey

      Oh, I can imagine! When you’ve spent that much time in SE Asia, you start to crave the cold a little bit. 😉

  6. says: Anna

    This looks like a crazy amount of fun – properly wintery, but that sun is so nice and warm-looking and welcoming!

    1. says: Audrey

      It was a lot of fun. I can’t think of another city that embraces winter quite like this!

    1. says: Audrey

      I know! It was really cool getting to try so many new things in my own country. 🙂

  7. says: Ryan

    So very cool Audrey. I was only in Quebec City a night and it was super rainy so I didn’t get to explore much. It looks so beautiful covered in snow! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This..looks…INCREDIBLE! I know I have NO right to complain because it’s 80 degrees in Los Angeles right now but I’d love some colder weather… or at least a day to explore a winter wonderland like this! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy travels 🙂

  9. says: Miquel

    I am not the biggest fan of winter but this looks like SO much fun! I loved your video. And those Beavertails look amaaaaaazing!!!!

  10. says: Charlie

    Looks like you had more fun at Carnaval than me. I thought I was wrapped up well enough, how wrong I was when temperatures plummeted to -30 when I was there. Should have known better really since living in MTL, but I wasn’t dressed right for that level of cold, my feet were freezing! But still, Carnaval is a lot of fun. I loved the ice sculptures, so impressive, and we learnt that trying to drink beer at -30 ain’t gonna happen!

  11. I’m feeling cold just watching that video. Looks amazing and I love all the photos, totally adding this to my bucket list.

  12. says: Heather

    I haven’t been to Quebec, but this looks like the perfect time to go! I recently tried dog sledding in Latvia and it was so much fun! I’ve been enjoying winter much more now that I’m in a place that actually celebrates it 🙂

  13. Bahaha, the half Pillsbury dough-boy description is right on! What a fantastic looking festival. The activities like dog sledding, ice fishing and the sleigh ride… is there a cost to those? Is it pricey? I’m assuming the others are free. Not sure how this festival works cost-wise.

  14. says: Uptourist

    Ooh I’ve seen that dog race in movies but I am yet to experience it.

  15. says: Deb

    That ice canoeing looks like a blast. Looking forward to reading about your experience!

  16. Sounds like you got to try some pretty extreme sports…ice canoeing seems like quite the tricky sport! What a memorable weekend 🙂

  17. says: Heather

    Usually I plan a cute outfit for outdoor fairs like this…. I would have to trade cute for warm! I’ve never used the hand warmers, and I will definitely use them if I make it out to a winter Carnival next year!

  18. says: Christian

    Dog sledding in Quebec and those incredible ice sculptures looks really awesome!

    Thank you for sharing your experiences in Quebec Audrey!

  19. says: Luana

    Wonderful article! We were in Quebec in January of this year and in August, and the difference was remarkable! I much prefer travelling in the fall and winter!

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