Horse Trekking and Yurt Living in Song Kol Lake, Kyrgyzstan

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It’s probably a good thing we were riding on horseback because the trek began after lunch; a very very big lunch, set in a yurt, with a spread that made it feel like Thanksgiving. On the table before us were plates of tomato and cucumber salad with dill, a hearty soup with carrots and cabbage, and plov, a staple at Kyrgyz dinner tables featuring rice with fried beef, onions and carrots. And because we weren’t yet bursting at the seams after that three course meal, there were also little pieces of fried dough known as boorsok, which we enjoyed with jam, as well as little cookies and chocolate bars. Some riders may have needed a little push in the derriere to mount their horses once the meal finished, but let that be a testament to Kyrgyz hospitality.

Horse Trekking and Yurt Living in Song Kol Lake, Kyrgyzstan: the mountains at Song Kol Lake where we did our yurt stay

But let’s back up a little bit. The adventure began the previous night in the town of Kochkor. This would be our launching pad for the 2-day horse trek to Song Kol, a beautiful alpine lake set in Kyrgyzstan’s northern Naryn Province.

We arrived at Mira Guesthouse where we unloaded our bags and were soon called to dinner. Here we were treated to a traditional music performance by a band that spanned three generations. We may not have understood the words as they were singing in Kyrgyz, but at the start of each song the leader of the troupe would tell us what each song was about; there were songs about taking the animals up to the summer pastures, songs about young love, and songs about legends and national epics.

Having just arrived in Kyrgyzstan the previous night, this was our first foray into the culture and we all watched with wide eyes and intrigue as the musicians pulled out instruments we’d never seen before and even used their throats to produce guttural sounds which mixed with the music.

Independence Day celebrations in Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan

Independence Day Parade in Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan

The following morning, we woke up to the Independence Day celebrations, so we headed into Kochkor to check out the festivities. Even though it was only mid-morning, music was blaring from giant speakers on the side of the road, the back streets were filling up with vendors selling everything from shashlik to cotton candy, and the parade was already in full swing.

We spent some time taking photos – this is one country where people love to have their photo taken and they’re not shy about asking! – and then it was time to head into the mountains. After a short drive, we arrived at our first camp where our host family stuffed us with the aforementioned meal. Then, hauling the few possessions that we had managed to cram into our daypacks, we bid our hosts farewell and rode into the valley where we began the slow ascent up the mountains.

Horse trekking on our way to Song Kol Lake

My horse on the trek to Song Kol Lake

Taking a quick break on the 2 day trek to Son Kol Lake, Kyrgyzstan

On our first day, we rode for roughly 5 hours. It was a slow ride with a lot of zig-zagging up and down switchbacks, but it was a great pace to enjoy the surrounding scenery. The ranges we crossed reminded me of a mix of the Scottish Highlands, the Drakensberg Range in South Africa, and the dreamy landscapes of Iceland I’ve only ever seen in photos. And you know what was even more amazing? Seeing eagles flying through the valleys right at home in their natural habitat!

Sunset at our yurt camp

Inside a Kyrgyz yurt colorful decorations and designs

After a long afternoon of riding, we arrived at our yurt camp just as the sun was setting. Our camp was small with only 3 yurts: 1 for our nomadic host family and the other 2 for guests.

You’re probably wondering what a family is doing living in the middle of a mountain range a 6-hour horse ride from the nearest settlement, am I right? Nomadism was once a traditional way of life in Kyrgyzstan, and while many people have settled into life in urban centres, there are still families that pack up their homes and spend the summer months up in the pastures so that their animals can graze and fatten up for the winter. Life up in the pastures is basic and it brings its own set of challenges, but it’s also quiet and peaceful, and I think this is what draws travellers all the way out there.

In our yurt, we were treated to yet another delicious dinner, where the cups of tea kept flowing and the plates of food kept on coming. By the time the sun set, we were all ready for bed so we crawled under the blankets for the night even though it was still relatively early.

This was my first time sleeping in a yurt and it was one of the best sleeps I’ve had. There were no mattresses, just layers upon layers of blankets that offered both padding and warmth. I don’t know how, but I managed to sleep a solid 10 hours and I awoke the following morning to the sound of goats hoarking which is a strange way of waking up – I was blaming it on the boys next door until I walked out the door!

Doing a local yurt stay on our way to Song Kol Lake, Kyrgyzstan.

Views outside of our yurt of farm animals and mountains in the background

Our yurt camp in the middle of nowhere in Kyrgyzstan

After a hot breakfast, it was time to get back on our horses and continue the journey. The funny thing is that our horses had hopped away overnight even though their front legs were tied, so our guides had to wander down the valley and then bring them all back to camp.

Since we had a bit of time in our hands, I befriended the family’s dog and then the family’s young boy also came over. We didn’t speak each other’s language but the young boy was able to teach me how to say ‘whiskers’ in Kyrgyz – while tugging at the dog’s whiskers! – and then I taught him how to say ‘horse’ in English.

The second day of riding brought us across the Kimliche Pass where we had sweeping views of the surrounding valleys. That morning was probably the hardest day of riding for me as the downhill stretches were destroying my knees, so I gave my legs and my horse a break and ended up walking a few kilometres.

The horse trek to Song Kol Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Trekking through the mountains on our way to Song Kol Lake

By the time we reached our lunch stop at yet another yurt camp, we were all famished and finished everything that was put in front of us. This camp is also were I had the best meal of the trip! Picture a loaf of bread being pulled out of a wood-burning stove, and then add a dollop of home churned cream with raspberry jam. It was like afternoon tea nomad style. My mouth waters every time I think of it!

I reluctantly hopped back on the horse after that meal and then we rode the remaining 2 hours along the shores of Song Kol Lake. We followed the edge of the lake as the clouds turned darker and started rolling in on us, but we made it to camp just before the rain hit.

Yurt camp in Song Kol Lake, Kyrgyzstan

Looking across Song Kol Lake with beautiful flower views in the foreground and mountains as a backdrop

In total, I spent 3 weeks in Kyrgyzstan, but I have to say my favourite spot was here on Song Kol Lake. We had jagged mountains to one side, the lake with a row of snow-capped mountains to the other side, and nothing but a vast plain with a sprinkling of white yurts in between. It was already postcard perfect, but then sunset hit and the mountains started glowing in the soft light, and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We all hung around the lake’s edge until our fingers froze and the sun slowly began to dip behind the clouds; even the dogs we had befriended at the camp joined us.

Sunset on Song Kol Lake

An intense sunset on Song Kol Lake

The sun setting in Song Kol Lake

Riding on the shores of Song Kol, Kyrgyzstan

That evening we had yet another feast, this time sharing some vodka and cognac with our host family. We also had a crackling stove inside our yurt, so it was toastier than our previous night and it wasn’t long before we were all asleep.

When we woke up the following morning, we enjoyed one last breakfast, and just like that our 2-day trek to Song Kol Lake was over. We packed our bags, said our goodbyes to everyone, and hopped in a van that drove us out of the valley and down the steep mountain range back to the town of Kochkor, where we resumed our travels around Kyrgyzstan.

If this sounds like your type of adventure, you can check out Feel Nomad’s tours, which include Song Kol Lake. 

And if you want to tackle an even lesser known trail, there’s the Panorama Trek outside Bokonbayevo, which is a 3-day trek that does a big loop through the valley. Picture yurt stays, an alpine lake, ancient petroglyphs, and meals shared with your host family.

Happy travels!

Kyrgyzstan Travel: One of the highlights of my travels in Kyrgyzstan was the 2 day horse trek to Song Kol Lake, which also included yurt stays with nomadic families.

Have you been to Kyrgyzstan?
Would you do the trek to Song Kol Lake?

This trip was made possible with the support of Discover Kyrgyzstan and USAID. As always, all opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. says: Danielle

    These pictures are unreal! Sounds like an incredible experience!

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      It was! The landscapes were majestic and we got to experience everything from mountain ranges to valleys along the trek.

  2. We have been in Mongolia recently and had pretty much the same activities. We had throat singing, yurt living and good food. We have been reading a lot of posts about Kyrgyzstan and the World Nomad Games. We have already put that on our list to do in 2018. I think a trek like yours by horse would be a great addition to the trip. That is one thing we did not do in Mongolia. I loved the pictures esepcially the last one by the lake

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      That’s cool! I just read your post about Naadam. I heard a few people comparing it to the World Nomad Games, so I’m now kind of curious to check it out. I’d highly recommend the World Nomad Games if you get the chance. I have the feeling it’s only going to be bigger and better two years from now.

  3. says: Anna

    What was the riding difficulty level – how much of trot/canter/gallop did you do on either day?
    Also, how much luggage did you have to carry along – as in, is this the kind of trip that a non-backpacker/camping person could do?

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      Hi Anna,
      It was a very low level of difficulty. Because of the terrain, the horse kept a steady walking pace, but technically you could gallop once you reach the open plains. As for packing, we all took small day packs that we could carry on our backs. You don’t need a whole lot aside from warm layers and a few toiletries since food and accommodations are taken care of.

  4. What an incredible adventure! I would love to do this some day. I tried horseback riding in Yunnan, China hoping for a similar experience, but it was tailored to Chinese tour groups and a lot less authentic. (Paved paths, riders texting while guides led the horses, etc.) This looks much more up my alley!

  5. says: Inken

    Hey Audrey,
    It just looks incredible! My flatmate and I are going to Kyrgyzstan this July and since I’m so excited I already started planning 😉
    Unfortunately we don’t have so much time in Kyrgyzstan and we’re no experienced riders at all so we would like to do this 2 day trek instead of a three day one. But I just find the 3 day horse treks online. Could you tell me if you booked it in advance or directly in Kochkor and if you did that with a cbt or rather someone private?
    Thank you for your answer!

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      Hi Inken,
      I’m not sure you can do the whole thing in 2 days since you have to cover quite the distance. Depending on the roads, it’s about a half day of travel from Bishkek to Kochkor, a half day riding to the first yurt camp, a full second day of riding to reach the camp by Song Kol Lake, and then another half day of travel the third morning to get out of there. I would try to contact CBT Kochkor via email to see what kind of hikes and horse treks they have available with a 2-day window.

  6. says: Matthieu Léveillé

    Hey Audrey,
    Sounds amazing trip! I’m looking for a trek to in Kyrgyzstan! With who have you done it?

  7. says: Bella

    Hey Audrey – this sounds amazing and exactly what I’m planning to do in July! Can I ask, where in Song Kol did you end up, the north shore maybe? Or perhaps the south/east (which I hear is more ‘touristy’). Would love to hear what your yurt was like on the lake as well! 🙂

  8. says: Suparna Sengupta

    The pictures are stunning!
    Could you let me know how much time it took to get back to Kochkor at the end of the trek?
    We are planning on leaving for Kochkor in the morning from the last stop and then travelling to Cholpon Ata on the same day. Is that possible?

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      Hi Suparna, I’ve just had a look on GoogleMaps and it seems to be 1.5 hours from the camp to Kochkor, and then another 2 hours from Kochkor to Cholpon-Ata.

  9. says: Talant

    Awesome post. I like the way you described. I did this as a trekking in 2018 and the best thing I enjoyed most was the food at lunch time in a yurt at Jaman Echki after we had descended from them pass

  10. says: Talant

    Could you remember the name of Kylie host in a yurt on your first night?

  11. says: Carlos

    Wow the pictures looks amazing, I visited last year in july. It was amazing did 3 days horse riding to Song Kul lake. Booked tour with Pegas Adventure. I think june and july best time to visit. More green and not lots of tourists.

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