Holiday Travel Gift Ideas FOR HER: Here Are Our Top Gifts Ideas!

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The Christmas season is just around the corner, and while the holidays are all about spending time with your loved ones, you’re probably also thinking about a little something special to put under the tree. So if you have a special lady in your life who loves to travel, here are a few gift ideas just for her:

Holiday Travel Gift Ideas FOR HER: Here Are Our Top Gifts Ideas! World travel watch for women World Map Watch

I love anything travel-themed and this watch is a pretty cute one. Even if you can’t be on the road, looking down at this watch is a nice reminder of a whole world that’s waiting to be explored.

Packing cubes as a gift idea for travelers

Packing Cubes

If you’re messy like me, then packing cubes are a life saver! I seriously don’t know how I used to travel without compartmentalizing my clothes just a few years back. My suitcase was usually a mess by Day 2 of the trip and I could never find the t-shirt I wanted. I think packing cubes are great because you can pack in a sensible fashion: 1 cube for pants / shorts / skirts, 1 cube for t-shirts / tank tops / long sleeves, 1 cube for socks / undies / bras / swimwear, and another for loose ends like scarves.

Aroma perfume sticks

Aroama Perfume Sticks

These are such an ingenious idea! I can’t tell you how many times my sister travelled with perfume bottles in her luggage only to arrive at her destination to find that her whole suitcase smelled like Burberry. (I learned from her and just decided not to bother packing perfume!) However, Aroamas are great for girls who travel because these are solid perfume sticks that won’t spill or leak. You just apply them by rubbing on your skin and voila! Also, they come in numerous scents which means you can change things up every once in a while.

4-1 lens for your phone

Olloclip 4-in-1 Lens for iPhone

If you shoot with an iPhone, the Olloclip is a fun way to get a little creative. The Olloclip comes with 4 different lenses that you can attach to your phone: fisheye, wide angle, macro 10x, and macro 15x.

Ray Ban clubmaster sunglasses

Ray-Ban Clubmaster Sunglasses

Shades! I love Ray-Bans; I think they have a classic look and you don’t have to worry about them going out of style in just a few seasons (like the bug eye sunglasses thankfully did!) For hot, tropical destinations, a good pair of shades is a must.

Heys Luggage with maps as the logo

Heys Luggage

I may have spent the last 2 years carrying a backpack around, but when it comes to weeklong vacations and weekend getaway, I’m all about the wheels. Heys luggage has long been a favourite of mine because their suitcases are so light yet sturdy. I have the original red model, however, in recent years they have been coming out with some pretty fun designs like this travel-themed spinner.

ONA Camera Bag

I’ve been coveting this camera bag for months! ONA bags certainly don’t come cheap, but they are gorgeous. I just splurged on some new camera lenses so I probably won’t be getting my hands on this one this year, however, if you have a loved one who is a photographer, this is one sure way to wow them.

World Map Laundry Bag

 World Map Laundry Bag

Doing laundry isn’t fun and you’ll probably still keep putting it off until the last minute possible, but at least with this cute laundry bag you’ll have something pretty to look at. Heck, maybe it’ll inspire you to start plotting your next adventure while you’re waiting at the laundromat.

Selfie Pic stick

Selfie Pic-Stick

It may sound like a vain invention, but if you’re going to travel solo and you want some photos with you in them, then the Selfie PicStick is actually quite useful. Actually, the PicStick is great even if you are travelling with friends, because this means you’ll be able to all get in the photo. (This one is designed for iPhones and Androids.)

Best in travel in 2015

Travel Lit

And lastly, some travel literature to help inspire some wanderlust. Lonely Planet has just released “Best in Travel 2015” which takes a look at some incredible journeys and experiences around the world. If you need a little inspiration for the coming year, this one is a goodie!

Related: 101 Gift Ideas for Travellers

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  1. says: Yara Miora

    All of this would be on my wish-list for sure! Love it 🙂


  2. says: Ashley

    I love this list- especially the watch and laundry bag!

  3. says: Emily

    It wasn’t until this past year that I invested in packing cubes and I am now in the same school of thought as you – how on earth did I ever get by without them??

  4. says: Naomi

    The Hays Travel Bag is cute as is the ONA camera bag, that too is an investment waiting to happen once I have the finances for it!

  5. says: De'Jav

    Great list there are things never thought of.

  6. says: Glamourous Traveller

    Cute collection. The funny thing for me is that not too long ago, selfie sticks were considered the sign of ‘forever alone’ to some people. Oh the shame and embarrassment of not travelling with someone and having them help take a picture of you.

    Fast forward three years and thanks to smartphones, instagram and the likes, things like selfie sticks are common! even acceptable! and in some occasion can be used as a self defense weapon!

    I would put it on my holiday gift list if it wasnt for the fact that I already have two of them =)

    Happy holidays!

  7. I was heartbroken earlier this year when the gorgeous Lancome perfume that my boyfriend had bought me spilled in my luggage. Perfume sticks are a marvellous idea!

  8. says: Katie

    Fantastic list – I’d love to get one of those camera bags – so stylish and classic! Oh, and a selfie pole to even out the classy.

  9. says: The Guy

    Great list Audrey. Even though I’m a guy I can see a lot of value in your recommendations.

    I’ve never had perfume spill in my luggage yet my contact lens solution often has which is very annoying.

    I do love my world travel watch. It is great to be able to check various time zones around the world (destination, departure or home location) with just a few quick clicks.

    I have been meaning to get those packing cubes for ages, I really need to work on that.

    As for the selfie stick. I seem to be seeing them everywhere around the world this year = very popular.

  10. says: Lien

    Great list, Audrey! Love the laundry bag, just bought myself a similar one. So handy, and you can use it as a beach bag too. Love mulkti-purpose when traveling light!!!!

    One great gift is missing I think, designed by and for female solo travellers like us 🙂
    Got myself one, saying: Say Yes. Discover!

  11. says: John

    Good idea also great list there are things never thought of.These are great, but I could absolutely make the last one myself for a fraction of the cost!

  12. says: Marilyn Bergeron

    Some great tips Audrey…the perfume stick and packing bags are a must..take care, happy holidays

  13. I love the purfume sticks and the laundry bag, going to order them now.. The LP best in travel book looks like a good read 🙂 great list 🙂

  14. says: Hannah @ Traveling Banana

    Great list! I am totally OBSESSED with my packing cubes. They are serious game-changers!

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