Wine Tasting and Vineyard Hopping in Stellenbosch, South Africa

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My last full day in South Africa finished off with a bang. I may not be much of a wine connoisseur, but at the same time I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my last day in the country than driving around Stellenbosch, sampling wines, and eating braai, chocolates and biltong. Mention food and drink and I’m there!

After 3 weeks of fast-paced backpacking across South Africa, Sam and I were craving a relaxed day to indulge in a few earthly pleasures, so we joined Wine Flies Wine Tours for an outing that would have made Bacchus very, very proud.


Wine Tasting and Vineyard Hopping in Stellenbosch, South Africa Fairview Wine Tour in Stellenbosch

The morning started off with a visit to Fairview, where we sampled 6 different wines paired with different cheeses. Now, I may not know much about wine, but I’m a huge cheese enthusiast, so the morning was off to a great start in my books.

We sampled Sauvignon Blanc with Camembert, Chenin Blanc with Feta, Viognier with Cambazola, Mourvèdre with a White Rock cranberry cheese that tasted more like cheesecake, and a few more pairings that delighted my taste buds.

Wine Tour in Stellenbosch in Autumn with beautiful fall foliage in South Africa

My favourite wine at Fairview was the Sweet Red, which tasted like Christmas in a bottle. Sweet dessert wines are right up my alley.


Muratie Wine Tour in Stellenbosch, South Africa

From there, we continued on to Muratie, which was perhaps the most historic looking vineyard we visited that day.

Muratie felt frozen in time – crooked rooms filled with antique furniture, cobwebs draped across stained glass windows, and walls filled with paintings by one of its former owners. These were just a few of the details that added to its charm.

After sampling a few different bottles, we learned that this particular vineyard also happened to be the setting of a beautiful love story between Ansela, a slave girl born in the Cape, and Laurens, a German soldier in the service of the Dutch East Indian Company. Since Ansela was a slave, Laurens would regularly set on 3 day treks to come and visit her in the Slave Quarter in the Cape. This was a journey he completed for years until Ansela was finally released, baptized, and free to join him in Stellebosch.  Today you can still see the oak tree that Ansela planted next to the home and it stands as a symbol of their enduring love. Ansela also has a wine named after her and it’s an award-winning bottle.


By the time we reached Middelvlei, we were all ready for lunch. As soon as we hopped out of the bus we were greeted by an adorable little Dachshund named Grappa who took it upon himself to act as the welcome committee and lead us through the winery with his tiny little steps.

Vineyard hopping in Stellenbosch, South Africa

We took some time to tour the winery and learn to pour a glass straight out of the barrel, and from there we made our way downstairs where a giant banquet table had been set up.

Middlevlei Wine Tour in Stellenbosch, South Africa

On the menu was a delicious braai that included Boerewors (South African sausage), Sosaties (meat on a skewer), and Braaibroodjie (grilled cheese sandwich), with plenty of salads and wine to go around. We finished everything on our plates!

In Stellenbosch with Audrey Bergner of That Backpacker


Feeling stuffed from the meal and giddy from the wine, we boarded the bus again to continue on towards Lovane.

For some reason at this point our driver also pulled out a collection of funny hats which he passed down the bus. Having now sampled close to 15 different wines, everyone was in high spirits and we all relished the opportunity to dress up.

There were fedoras and cowboy hats, newsboy caps and straw hats embellished with flowers. We must’ve been quite the sight as we walked through the doors of Lovane.

Lovane Wine Tour in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Down in the basement, we got right down to business by sampling more wine. Here, the wines were paired with different types of chocolate. The two that caught my attention were: a dark chocolate with chilli flakes and a dark chocolate with sea salt. Perhaps not quite what you’d expect when pairing chocolates with wine, but the different flavours worked together wonderfully.


Villiera Wine Tour in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Our last stop of the day was at Villiera where we sampled different wines paired with biltong. In case you haven’t heard of it, biltong is a dried cured meat similar to beef jerky, except it undergoes a bit of a different curing process. It’s usually shaved into thin slices and it is truly addicting.

Biltong and wine tasting in South Africa

I have to admit, by the end of the day all the wines and wineries were starting to resemble each other (perhaps a sign of a few too many glasses on my part…), so it’s a good thing we called it a day by the time we finished at the fifth vineyard!

Feeling a little buzzed, we all boarded the bus one last time trying not to clink the bags full of red, white and rosé that we had collected along the way. And just like that, the day was over.

I can’t say I know my wines much better, but it sure was a great way to experience Stellenbosch!

P.S. You can read about my follow-up trip to Stellenbosch, some of the fun wine pairings, and the unusual winery experiences here!

Wine Flies Wine Tour in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Have you ever gone wine tasting in Stellenbosch?
Which wines did you enjoy most?

For more info on travel in South Africa visit Travel Now Now.

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    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks! It’s from good ol’ Forever 21. 😉

  1. says: Justine

    Wine tasting tours are always so fun, but I imagine going on one in South Africa would be pretty awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever done a wine tasting where they paired wines with chocolate, but as a chocolate lover that sounds so good! Dark chocolate with chili flakes? I’m so there 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      Same here! I’ve done a couple of wine tours before, but those were solely focused on the wine. It was kind of nice taking a tour where the wine was paired with food.

    1. says: Audrey

      So I’ve heard! I’m planning on revisiting Argentina next year so we’ll see if I make it to Mendoza. I did take a wine tour in Salta last time I was there, and that was a pretty fun experience. 😉

  2. says: Katie

    One of my favourite places for wine touring in the world – I love nearby Franschhoek and Paarl too. It is so damn beautiful there

    1. says: Audrey

      Thanks for the suggestions, Katie! Another wine tour for another visit. 😉

  3. says: Clay

    Biltong sounds amazing. How have I never heard of this before?? The wine also looks delicious. Talk about a perfect day. 🙂

    1. says: Audrey

      Biltong is pretty good. You can buy it pre-packaged at most convenience stores, but the best stuff comes directly from the biltong shop. They shave the meat into thin slices and then you get it to go in a brown paper bag.

    1. says: Audrey

      I’m a fan of the sweet port wines. My taste buds still haven’t learned to appreciate anything else. 😉

  4. A Daschund named Grappa!!! That is the sweetest! I have indeed gone wine tasting, in South Africa no less. Thankfully I was not the driver, but it was incredible. Also did something similar in Germany with all the Rieslings, though it was essentially sampling many wines from one winery. Possibly a slow walk home! I’m a sweet white wine kind of person.

    1. says: Audrey

      Haha, yes, they chose some great names for their pets. There was another dog named Merlot. 😉 And I have a feeling I’d enjoy wine tasting in Germany – I really like the Rieslings.

  5. says: Peotravel

    I am so jealous about this trip. Last year when I was visiting Italy i really wanted to taste the vine from barrel but I haven’t the chance. I hope one day I could try vine from the barrel. By the way really nice photos and informative post.

    1. says: Audrey

      Glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope you get to go wine tasting at some point during your travels. 🙂

  6. says: Lily La

    White rock cranberry cheese sounds absolutely amazing!

    1. says: Audrey

      Any cheese that tastes like cheesecake is a winner in my books. 😉

  7. says: Izy Berry

    Omg audrey!! I really want to go to southafrica all the things you were avaible to do there. i am so jealous about your trip but i hope you have a safe fly back home.

    1. says: Audrey

      I hope you get to visit, Izy! Tourism was a little down when I was there, which is a shame because the country has so much to offer.

  8. says: Aaron

    What an amazing day, as a budding wine connoisseur, this would be an ideal day for me!

  9. says: Renuka

    Congrats on the new look of your blog! Looks fantastic! And yes, the post is cool as usual. I would love to experience wine-tasting in SA. By the way, you look lovely in the Stellenbosch photos!

  10. says: Uptourist

    I always fancied eating with wine. I am fascinated on how wine can go with food. The explosion of flavors is usually so beautiful.

  11. says: Tajirul Haque

    I would love to go to South Africa and do some wine testing. I dont drink. But after reading this I wouldn’t mind taking a few sips by the beautiful landscapes.

  12. says: Elliott

    Looks really fun and ill definitely have to keep in mind! South Africa has always been a dream destination of mine and this really made me want to go even more haha.

  13. says: Marie

    I’m going next Feb, just starting to plan my itinerary… As usual, your blog is a true inspiration!

    1. says: Audrey Bergner

      I’m glad you found this post helpful, Marie! Wishing you a great trip. Stellenbosch is beautiful and I’m sure you’ll enjoy all the wine. 😉

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