Abraham Hostel Jerusalem: Where Everyone is Welcome in Israel

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As I walked through the doors of Abraham Hostel Jerusalem I was greeted with a sign that read, “Abraham – the first backpacker.” I hadn’t thought much about the hostel’s name before I arrived, but once I read that, I chuckled at the cleverness of it all – they meant Abraham the biblical character! The same Abraham who was called to ‘go to a land that God would show him’. If anyone would be willing to pick up and pack their belongings without really knowing what direction they were heading in, it would have to be a backpacker.

“Abraham – the first backpacker.”

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem: Where Everyone is Welcome in Israel

A communal feel

I stayed at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem for 4 nights, but I could tell right away that this place was not like the rest.

If there is one thing that this hostel excels at, it’s fostering a warm community feel. For starters, they welcome travellers of all ages. At first I was a bit worried about bringing my parents to a hostel (by the way, my mom and dad are currently travelling with me!), however, once I checked in, I noticed that age wasn’t a factor. There were mature travellers, twenty-something backpackers, families with young children, and other young adults travelling with their parents (not just me!)

Breakfast at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem, Israel

The community feel also carried over into breakfast time where everyone was encouraged to wash their own dishes after eating. Now normally this would cause many a paying guest to raise an eyebrow, however, it felt completely appropriate in this setting and I thought it helped travellers show respect and appreciation for one another. After all, would you want somebody to leave a dirty dish for you? Nope, so don’t do the same.

Shabbat Dinner at Abraham Hostel

One of the highlights of staying at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem was the opportunity to experience my first Shabbat dinner. For those who are not familiar with Shabbat or the Sabbath, this refers to the start of the seventh day of rest and it begins on Friday afternoon around sunset. This is a time when the family gathers together for a big meal and a prayer.

Now technically the meal should be prepared before the start of Shabbat, but since most travellers are out exploring the city during the day, the meal was pushed back a little until everyone had returned from sightseeing.

Preparing Shabbat dinner at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem, Israel

I made my way down to the common area around 6 p.m. and by this time different food stations were being set up to start preparing the evening’s meal. People helped chop tomatoes and cucumbers, peel carrots and potatoes, and pour cups of red wine at each of the tables.The preparation process took about 2 hours, but no one seemed to mind as music was playing, new friends were catching up, and beers were being poured at the bar.

Once the food was ready, we all sat down at the tables. Candles were lit, a blessing was recited, and together travellers from all over the world enjoyed a hearty and laughter-filled meal.

Shabbat dinner at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem, Israel

The food was amazing – hummus and baba ghanoush, lamb and chicken, eggplant salad and tabbouleh, roast potatoes and rice with lentils, and of course lots of wine – but what I appreciated the most was the fact that the hostel family was willing to share their tradition with a group of strangers that didn’t necessarily come from a Jewish background. It was a truly heart warming experience to be welcomed this way.

Events every night of the week

Another thing I noticed at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem is that they don’t give you a chance to feel lonely or bored – they had an activity planned for almost every night of the week!

Events at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem, Israel

Monday: Pub quiz night where you can meet other travellers and put your trivia knowledge to the test.

Tuesday: Language exchange where you have a chance to pick up some Hebrew and maybe teach someone else a few words in your native tongue.

Wednesday: Pub crawl around Jerusalem.

Thursday: Backpacker stories! Who has the worst food poisoning anecdote or a left-stranded-in-the-middle-of-nowhere tale?

Friday: Shabbat dinner which was amazing!

Sunday: Live music in the common room, where you can also sing your heart out on stage.

Daily: Travel lectures happen throughout the week, covering different topics. Some days may focus on travel in Israel, others may be an intro to Hebrew or Arabic.

All you have to do is check the schedule next to the reception desk to see what’s going on.

Rooms at Abraham Hostel Jerusalem, Israel

The Rooms at Abraham Hostel

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem has rooms for every type of traveller – dorm rooms, single rooms, family rooms, and private rooms. I stayed in one of the private rooms for two people and it had all the basic necessities you’d need. The mattresses were firm to ensure a good night’s rest after a long day of hiking, there was a little desk for checking your emails and planning the following day’s itinerary, and they also had a small fridge and a little sink where you could prepare a light snack (though there were no plates or cutlery). Also, remember to bring your own toiletries.

Book your room at Abraham Hostel in Jerusalem.

Tours around Israel and beyond

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem also runs Abraham Tours which offers trips all over Israel, as well as to the West Bank, Jordan and Egypt! I did many of their tours including Dead Sea Chill Out, The Best of the West Bank, Sea of Galilee and Golan Heights, and a few others that I will be writing about at a later date.

Abraham Tours, Israel offering hop on and hop off stops at various destinations

Location of Abraham Hostel Jerusalem

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem is located at 67 Hanevi’im Street by Davidka Square. It’s a pretty great location because you are a stone’s throw away from Mahane Yehuda Market, which is the main market in Jerusalem. It’s also really easy to reach the Old City; all you have to do is walk downhill along Jaffa Street, which leads to Jaffa Gate. (This takes about 15 minutes.) Or if your legs are feeling weary, you can take the light rail which travels down to the Old City.

The Verdict?

I loved this place! It’s not often I say that about a hostel, but Abraham Hostel Jerusalem is doing a lot of things right. I think at the end of a trip, the places you remember best are those who gave you more than just a bed to sleep in, and this hostel really went above and beyond. They won me over with their friendly staff, inclusive atmosphere, and the array of activities aimed at bringing travellers together.

A big thank you to Tourist Israel for helping me plan out my Israel itinerary, and to Abraham Hostel Jerusalem for welcoming me into their home.



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  1. I love this!! I feel like sometimes I never want to stay in a hostel again, but then I see places like these. So cool. What did your parents think??

    1. says: Audrey

      My parents really enjoyed it! They had never stayed in a hostel before and I was a bit worried the environment would be a bit too loud and rowdy, but there was no reason to be worried at all – this place knows how to cater to all types of travellers. 🙂

  2. says: Karl

    Have to agree, I stayed here in January on advice from a local & found it one of the most inviting places I’ve ever stayed. Hotel or Hostel

    1. says: Audrey

      Glad to hear you also enjoyed your stay. I have to agree with you – this hostel is one of the most welcoming places I have ever stayed in. 🙂

  3. says: Corinne

    What a great review. I would have loved to know about this before we went to Jerusalem last spring. Next time! Kudos to them for all the knowledge and entertainment they provide!

    1. says: Audrey

      If you ever go back, you have a new place to try. 😉 How was your visit to Jerusalem?

  4. says: Maria

    The Abraham had me at the wall text above the couch! Literally laughed out loud.
    Looks comfy and fun.

    1. says: Audrey

      They had lots of fun text about Abraham all over the hostel. The one in the kitchen also made me laugh: “Abraham – always shared his food.” You’ve gotta love a hostel with a sense of humour. 😉

  5. says: acrosstheneversky

    Love that this hostel welcomed everyone, even families with children!

    1. says: Audrey

      Highly recommend it if you ever find yourself in Jerusalem. 🙂

  6. says: Gal

    Thank you Audrey!
    Was a true pleasure hosting you and your family.
    The description of your experience with us captures word for word exactly the experience we are working hard to create.
    It’s feedback like this that makes it all worth while:)
    Safe travels and hope to see you back soon!

  7. says: Rachel of hippie in heels

    I think it’s awesome your family is traveling with you! you’re really blessed; I would love for mine to come to India!

    1. says: Audrey

      It took some convincing to get my parents out here, but Israel turned out to be a great destination for them. (Keep pestering your parents about visiting – that’s my technique!) 😉

  8. This sounds like a really special place. I love the idea of preparing and cooking a meal as a big group (especially with the booze and music that goes with, yes please). I also kind of feel like I am over hostels, but I would definitely give this place a go.
    And how lucky are you to have that time with your parents! You will remember this adventure forever… 🙂

  9. says: Agness

    Wow, that’s a very cozy and nice hostel. Loved the food and how busy it is. Bet you met many backpackers there :).

  10. says: Jeff

    This must be the best hostel i have ever seen or heard of. I will be waiting to read your dead sea experience.

  11. Sounds like an awesome place! I love it when hotels/hostels have nightly events- it is such a good way to meet new people! We’re currently staying at a hostel in Costa Rica that has a very communal feel. Even though we have a private room, we feel so welcomed by everyone. I think it’s the community yoga! 🙂

  12. says: Sara - A Nomad at Heart

    Sounds like a really cool place!

  13. says: Arianwen

    This looks like an awesome hostel. I love that they’ve made an effort to provide so much entertainment, especially the Sabbath meal, which allows people to experience a local religious practice. I dated a Jewish guy for two years but never got invited to one of those!

  14. says: MollyG

    What a cool sounding place! I have been to Jerusalem many times with my family, but we always stay at terrible hotels. I will recommend this place next time! I’m glad you had/are having a good time in Israel. It’s a beautiful place.

  15. says: Emily

    I was in Israel with a large group from the States, but I am dying to go back and explore on my own!! This hostel will definitely be at the top of my list. Sounds amazing!

  16. says: mark

    Just came across your site. I am excited to follow along on your travels.

  17. This looks like such a fantastic place to stay. I love hostels that create a sense of community and fun, rather than just a place to crash. I’ll definitely go here if I make it to Jerusalem… thanks for the great post! 🙂

  18. says: Neil

    This is a really nice looking hostel. When I was in Israel over the summer I was actually here but only for one of the tours you mention Audrey. Can thoroughly recommend the sunrise Masada tour, if you are up for an early start 🙂 :


  19. Yes Audrey – it’s a small world. We stayed in the same hostel last year – seems we must have missed you by a few days!! We did the Shabbat dinner, toured Nazareth and the Dead Sea etc.! Totally amazing place. Having been to Turkey, Thailand, China, Hong Kong and Jordan in the last year it seems we really have been in the same places at different times. Hope I bump into you guys on my journey somewhere! Safe travels. Jonny

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